A complete Digimon.

It is already a very terrifying existence.

And the ultimate body.

It represents the status of overlord.

If it were a thunder movie, it would be over now.

Jean wouldn't question it either.

Lisa: "I think Mona may have some breakthrough... Moreover, although it is a five-star mission, it is... the ultimate entity that the world has to face.

We also have helpers.

The children also have two Ultimates, and the mission doesn't say they can't take Digimon with them.

MechanicalGreymon and Celestialmon can also participate in the battle. "

The only pity is.

Cactusmon has not yet evolved into Flowermon.

Still drawing strength from the soil.

This is quite a pity.

Otherwise, three perfect entities.

It can also increase some fighting capital.

Shen He: "I think you can trust Mona. Since the other party said he wanted to go, he must be sure..."

And there's one thing she didn't say.

The other party came here with Su Han.

Rewards from the previous world.

There is a high probability that Mona will receive a substantial improvement.

For example, the Zhuxian Sword Formation in Lei’s movie.

That's something very scary.

If Mona also gets a very powerful treasure, she will naturally have the treasure to fight Steel Seadramon.

Paimon: "Well...the mission is very difficult, but 767 we have to trust Mona once, she is an astrologer...how can we take risks?

Are you right...Ying..."

Ying: "Well... I also believe in Mona. Now Su Han, what do you say..."

Ningguang: "Let's listen to what this master has to say first. If he agrees, then there really is nothing to say. Just let Mona go..."

Su Han: "Mona's strength should be fine, just go there in a while. Regarding Steel Seadramon, the opponent actually has a nemesis... that is BattleGreymon.

The armor on its body is also super alloy.

If it cannot be defeated, Steel Seadramon's movements can be restricted.

Let BattleGreymon destroy its body directly. "

In terms of strength.

The Steel Seadramon has the upper hand in the sea.

The long-range attack includes the Ultimate Wave Cannon.

Melee itself is super alloy armor.

No fear of physical attacks at all.

It was simply terrifying to the extreme.

And there are countless men waiting in the sea.

This analysis can tell.

Why is this overlord the Four Heavenly Kings?

Unless crushed by hard power.

Otherwise, it would be a fool's errand to defeat Steel Seadramon.

Keli: " @Mona...I have a super large bouncing bomb here...Sister Mona, take it with you. If you can't beat him, just use the bomb to blow him up."

Rosalin: "I also have a thorn of hell fire seal in my hand. If you need it, I will have someone send it to you."

Sugar: "I have a super large storm bottle..."

Gan Yu: "I have the Ice Lotus, which can be used as a hidden weapon!"

Look at everyone's concern.

Mona was very moved.

However, this time she has to rely on her own strength.

Crush this terrible enemy.

Mona: "Thank you everyone... But this time (bcfe) I can handle it on my own, so goodbye! You can just watch the live broadcast... I will take away the two Digimon."

Hehe...don't be surprised for a while. "

Record the data of Steel Seadramon.

Mona then went on her mission.

And the live broadcast also started.

inside the room.

Ning Guang looked at Su Han and asked: "What did you give her? Why is Mona so confident... Is it a reward from the last mission?"

"Well, a special immortal body card. If the sea is the home of Steel Seadramon, then... Mona can control all the water.

Please look forward to it.

It's hard to tell clearly.

All I can say is... Mona's power is endless as long as she is in the water.

I'm looking forward to her performance this time. "

Join the Zhutian mission group.

Mona has never used her full strength once.

And this time is also the first time.

The difficulty of the task is directly five stars.

If Mona doesn't use all her strength.

There is simply no way to complete this mission.

It can be said.

This time it will be Mona's sublimation.

Paimon sat on his shoulder and asked: "The immortal body, and... the effect you mentioned, isn't it the same as the water monster?"

"That's about it... Look, the picture is coming out. The battle is about to begin..."

Everyone followed Su Han's gaze.

Only seen in the screen.

Mona has appeared in the world of Digimon.

"Huh... This is my first time on a five-star mission, and I'm actually a little nervous... By the way, Agumon and Tennumon... don't interfere for a while.

Heed my signal.

If I let you attack. Launch another attack.

Don't act carelessly..."

"Well, okay. Lady Mona..."

The two men looked at each other.

He nodded quickly.

To conserve physical strength.

Agumon did not maintain its complete body.

The Celestial Beast is just like ordinary people, except it has wings on its back.

They are no longer purebred Digimon.

I persisted in all kinds of cultivation.

Whether it's strength or moves, they are far beyond the Digimon in this world!

Mona had just finished speaking.

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