Although she has all the advantages.

But don't forget...without this large amount of water.

Mona can also be created using mana.

You can even take advantage of celestial phenomena.

Walnut: "Oh my God... Mona has become so strong. The entire sea has become her weapon. It feels like she can fight the Whirlpool Demon."

Wendy: "Then you are really overthinking. Demon-level existences are not powerful. Rather, they are rich in elemental power... You can understand that the opponent's magic storage is dozens of times that of Mona.

The endurance is also stronger..."

Humans want to surpass the devil.

It doesn't mean you can do it just by putting in the effort.

The death of the devil can directly affect a huge island.

It can even affect a place for hundreds or even thousands of years.

This is enough to know the horror of the demon god level.

Mona's current power is enough, but... the accumulation of magic power is still not enough.

Beidou: "I have to say... After she gets this physical card, at least I can't do anything to her, but... she can't defeat me either."

Kuki Shinobu: "It would be great if I had such power. I would be even more powerful in gathering information."

Keli: "Sister Mona is so awesome!!! You can go fry fish in the sea with me in the future...Wuhu~~~"

Paimon: "It's really unimaginable. A card actually gives Mona such a powerful power, but how to defeat the opponent? The enemy's defense is very strong.

Although Mona's attacks are very powerful.

However, it was unable to break through the opponent's defense. "

in the screen.

Mona summoned a lot of water magic several times.

The most cruel time.

Directly slapped the Steel Seadramon onto the mountain.

However, the other party is not only fine.

Instead, he fought back.

Apparently Mona was in trouble too.

Iron Seadramon's defense cannot be broken.

This is a difficult question.

Ningguang: "The shell of the Steel Seadramon is too strong, but...if we can get the opponent's body, we can probably extract a lot of useful things, right?"

Sugar: "Is it really possible? Isn't the other party's body a digitized body... If we collect it, it won't be possible..."

Digimon world.

It is a digital world.

She understood Ning Guang's thoughts.

However, in the previous few battles, the enemy always died.

The body disintegrated into pieces and left.

It should be the same situation this time.

If we can really bring the body of Steel Seadramon here.

That was so cool.

Yae Shenzi: "What if I am restrained by Mona and let BattleGreymon attack? What do you think of this method... This is actually possible, right?"

Hua Sanli: "No... I don't think Mona will do this. She wants to prove herself. Use her own strength to defeat her opponents... How can she pretend to be someone else? Stop dreaming."

Coral Palace Xinhai: "But being unable to break the defense means that you are constantly depleting yourself. To maintain such a huge water element, you must also maintain a huge suppressive power.

Even Mona couldn't hold it for long. "

Steel Seadramon's beating only consumes his physical strength.

Mona, on the other hand, consumes her own magic power.

And so on.

Naturally you will be tired.

And now people see it.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Mona began to pant continuously.

The battle has lasted for more than twenty minutes.

Her magic power was slowly drying up.

"Huh...huh...he is such a troublesome guy, just like a mangy dog. He can't be killed no matter what...What should I do? Do you want to give it a try..."

Mona felt her physical strength.

The decision was finally made.

A vortex gradually appeared in his hand.

The power of water spirits around.

It has been continuously gathering towards her palm.

If this trick doesn't work.

Then she can only consider other methods.

The magic continues to gather.

Mona's entire right hand began to burn.

The power of blue.

It is constantly beating like a flame.

The entire sky was reflected in a deep blue by this magic power.

Steel Seadramon's heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly I had a bad feeling.

"No...that human must be making some moves, we can't let her launch them..."

It narrowed its eyes.

The top of the head also lit up.

The ultimate wave cannon explodes directly.


A huge shock wave arrived in front of Mona in an instant.

........ .. .. ..

However, she dodged it easily.

And countless water waves covered the body.

The Steel Seadramon couldn't find Mona's body there at all.

More than ten seconds later.

Steel Seadramon's trick is over.

It looks around for enemies until a ray of light falls from above.

Only then did he realize that the enemy was directly above him.

"Deep Sea Shackles..."

"Freeze it for me, water element..."

The sea turns into chains.

Restrain Steel Seadramon again.

The water element also burst out with freezing light.

After Mona finished all this, the moves condensed in her hands were finally completed.

"This will be the last amount of magic power I have left... Explode it for me, Hard Vortex Water Blade..."

Huge shock wave.

Erupted from Mona's hand.

The terrifying power constantly impacts the Steel Seadramon's skin.

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