Huge crushing force.

Making him vomit blood continuously.

How terrifying is this power?

The shock wave covered thousands of meters.

Countless waves of water turned into tornadoes, dancing on Steel Seadramon's body.

"You woman, I want you to die... This kind of attack... cough... can't kill me... Just wait for me... Just wait for me..."

Huge waves hit.

Sealed the Steel Seadramon into the seabed.

The surroundings turned into a terrifying whirlpool.

Mona frowned.

Because, Steel Seadramon's outer skin has not been injured yet.

"Is it so hard... It's really troublesome... But let me take a break first. My magic power needs to be replenished..."

Mona flew away from here.

Found a calm sea.

Standing gently on the sea.

Countless water spirits.

They quickly gathered towards her.

The sea in the distance has turned blood red.

All this blood spurted out from the mouth of the Steel Seadramon.

It can be seen that it is okay this time.

But he was also extremely embarrassed.

It can be considered as a serious injury.

About ten minutes later.

The extremely embarrassed Steel Seadramon reappeared on the sea.

Looking at the dissipated water element.

Its eyes were full of evil light.

"Where are you hiding? I'm going to eat you... Come out here... Don't even think about escaping... You hateful woman, stand up for me..." Guang.

Chapter 506: The Ultimate Body was blown to death by the Star Explosion Technique, Mona harvested hundreds of Digimon

Steel Seadramon cruises the nearby waters.

Mona was not found.

The children were not found either.

This definitely annoyed it.

"Frogmons...find them for me. Those children will definitely not be far away..."

"Especially that bastard woman, tell me as soon as you find her!"

Face the angry Lord of Darkness.

The strange frog beasts dare not slack off.

He rushed out quickly.

Thousands of strange frog beasts spread in all directions.

Mona, who was in the distance, naturally sensed these strange frog beasts, but she used the sea water as a cover.

Temporarily evaded capture.

It wasn't that she was scared.

Instead, Mona was thinking about how to kill this sea dragon.

"Hard understand! Internal damage...just don't hit this shell is enough! So that's it..."

As someone who masters three-color Haki.

Her reaction speed is naturally not slow.

Since even the upgraded version of the Hard Vortex Water Blade can't break through Steel Seadramon's body.

Then, kill this Digimon from the inside.

Just like Kaido, a person with animal fruit abilities.

The physical body is extremely powerful.

Only internal destruction can completely defeat the opponent.

After thinking about this.

Mona's thoughts began to race rapidly.

About five minutes later.

She finalized her plan.

A hunt finally begins.

Above the blue sea.

Steel Seadramon wandered around angrily.

At this time, countless water splashes fell from the sky.

Its scope is extremely dense.

The heavy rain was like bullets, hitting it constantly.

"How dare you show up!!!"

"I'm here to kill you, idiot..."

Mona's hands.

The terrifying magic power beating before appeared again.

Steel Seadramon glanced at it and said with a ferocious smile: "Your power...has no effect on me!!!"

It rushed directly towards the opponent.

Trying to hit the other person with your body.

As a result, Mona, who had dodged quickly before, now moved very slowly.

Steel Seadramon captures this.

React immediately.

"It turns out you don't have enough strength at all, hahahaha...become my food, damn little girl..."

Steel Seadramon opened its bloody mouth.

He swallowed the other person into his belly at once.

At the same time, it also deliberately left that arm outside.

In fact, when Mona was thinking about countermeasures.

Steel Seadramon is also thinking about a question.

Since his own unique move, the Ultimate Wave Cannon, has no effect.

So why not use other methods.

Directly defeat the opponent.

Think about this.

Steel Seadramon then thought of the old-fashioned method of eating the opponent directly into its mouth.

Swallow the other person in one gulp.

The dark king burst out into astonishing laughter.

"Hahahahaha... No matter how powerful you are, why don't you be eaten by me... and become my nourishment, idiot..."

This laughter resounded through the sky.

Taichi Yagami hiding on the island in the distance.

See Mona being devoured.

Instantly burst into tears.

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