The drawings finally appeared.

Totozai found Su Han and begged him to cut the metal.

The Sun Sword was gently pulled out.

Spiritual energy pours into it.

It's not that difficult to cut.

"It should be fine if you refine it, right? Totosai..."

"No problem, sir, the power of the Shennong Cauldron is so terrifying. I just picked up a piece of leftover material and it melted with just a stick of incense.

There is certainly no problem with forging weapons.

By the way, your wife... would you like a flying sword?

Although there is no core.

But this metal is very rare..."

Faced with Totosai's proposal.

Su Han shook his head and said: "Forget it...she doesn't know how to use this thing, and...I will tell you what film I will use in the future, just keep some materials for now."

"Okay, I understand..."

Totosai makes people carry materials.

Then he started refining.

And Su Han came to the edge of Qunyu Pavilion.

Looking at the sleeping big cactus, he said with some emotion: "I don't know when I will be able to turn into a flower fairy beast... How long has it been?"

According to common sense.

There is spiritual spring water for irrigation.

Plant-type Digimon evolve very easily.

But I don’t know what’s going on.

Cactus Beast has been silent for more than half a month.

Fortunately, nothing happened this afternoon.

Su Han simply took out the scriptures and started reciting them.

This is a verse that is beneficial to monsters.

Especially transformation.

It is even more effective.

It was written by Miao Yue.

I gave it to Tushan Yaya before, and a group of foxes successfully evolved that night.

While chanting sutras.

Su Han took out a piece of Bodhi tree leaf, crushed it and placed it at the feet of the cactus beast.

At the same time, the scriptures did not stop.

again and again.

Until it comes to evening.

When Su Han was about to leave for dinner, a charming fragrance emanated from the cactus beast's body.

The huge body is releasing fragrance.

At the same time, the top is full of spikes.

Slowly a flower blooms.

Su Han quickly flew into the sky.

I saw a fairy-like person lying in the flower stamens, and the fragrance began to gather towards him.

"This is the Flower Fairy Beast? But why doesn't it look like it..."

The Flower Fairy Beast is a two-dimensional creature.

So the face shape will be a little strange.

However, the flower fairy beast in front of him had a face like an ordinary person, but his body was as smooth as milk.

It's incredible.

Just when Su Han was shocked.

The Flower Fairy Beast stretched slowly.

"Hmm...Have you finally completed your evolution? It's been so long...".

Chapter 508 The terrifying aspect of Nuwa’s spiritual power, the arrival of Aolai’s six ears

A small person, only about 1.58 meters tall.

There are thin wings behind him.

Her pale pink hair hangs down to her waist.

The Flower Fairy Beast stretched and slowly stood up.

When seeing Su Han.

The other party's face suddenly became more joyful.

" are here. I thought it was a dream just now..."

The Flower Fairy Beast quickly came to Su Han.

His eyes were full of excitement.

At the beginning, she could still play with her owner.

Able to accompany the class master.

But later on, he turned into a cactus beast.

The house can't fit in it.

The master doesn't like himself either.

She had no choice but to absorb the nutrients obediently.

Until recently, it entered sleep mode.

If it weren't for a mysterious force guiding me just now.

Afraid of evolving.

It will take more than half a month.

"Of course, I've actually been here before... It's just because you were asleep, so you didn't know I was coming..."

"Hehe, I'm sorry... I was sleeping before. Thanks to Master for your help, from now on... I can stay like this."

Flower Fairy Beast said with a smile.

And she is very satisfied with her current figure.

Willow waist.

Milky skin.

And those beautiful clothes.

No matter how you look at it, it looks good.

Simply beautiful.

Su Han looked at the triumphant elf and asked him, "What abilities do you have now? I mean the moves except the Flower Fairy Cannon."

" addition to the flower fairy cannon, there are fairy magic...such as making garlands, and I can make a bow and arrow to shoot."

I saw the other party's little hand gently shaking.

Colorful light suddenly appeared in his palm.

An emerald-green curved bow appeared in the hands of the Flower Fairy Beast.

Just a thought.

Arrows appeared inside.

It can be said that the Flower Fairy Beast has completely mutated.

And, not only that...she can also cast many spells, but most of them are to manipulate plants.

Su Han watched the flower fairy-like villain constantly demonstrating his abilities.

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