It feels very good.

Humanoid Digimon are just awesome.

Although it seems that the ultimate form of BattleGreymon is very powerful.

But in fact, if there are techniques from other worlds.

Humanoid Digimon are the way to go.

Because they can practice.

After playing with the Flower Fairy for a while.

Su Han brought the other party to eat.

Everyone saw the flower fairy beast.

He looked very shocked.

Keli pinched the opponent's thin wings and whispered: "It looks very fragile, doesn't it?"

"No...I have elf wings. Even a thousand pounds of stones will not break my wings. Hehe...tomorrow my sister will take you to play."

Thinking back to my childhood.

Keli hugs herself every day.

Now I am holding her.

How interesting.

Lisa looked at the Flower Fairy Beast and said with a smile: "Would you like to practice with will be very fast."

"Okay, thank you sister Lisa~"

Flower Fairy Beast smiled politely.

She still has great respect for Lisa.

Because she always feels that there is a power in the other person's body that makes her afraid.

However, despite the perception.

However, Lisa's erudition still deeply attracted the Flower Fairy Beast.

Can gain the other party's approval.

For the flower fairy beast.

That's very lucky.

If she relied solely on herself, her cultivation speed would be very slow.

Had a simple dinner.

Su Han then entered into practice.

He closed his eyes.

Sitting on the roof.

Feel the gathering of spiritual energy.

Slowly touch the mark Miaoyue gave to yourself with your soul.

Said to be a soul mark.

In fact, it contains the power of Nuwa.

This is the unique power that belongs only to Nuwa.

When the soul touches this power.

A power hidden in Su Han's body slowly appeared, it was a lavender power.

Never appeared.

Because this power is hidden in the source of the soul.

"Is this the reason why Miao Yue feels familiar?"

Su Han was extremely shocked.

When did I have the power of Nuwa?

Moreover, when traveling through time.

I don't feel anything at all.

He couldn't figure it out, and naturally he didn't understand either.

If you have the power of Nuwa.

So how could I be like a weakling?

In the early days, they were basically ordinary people.

But if I don’t understand it, I won’t think about it.

After touching the mark, a technique appeared in his mind.

The method has no name.

But it will guide the power in Su Han's body to slowly merge into one.

All power.

Continuous gathering.

Although there has been power fusion before.

A powerful force was also born.

However, this time Su Han ushered in a transformation.

A majestic vitality was born in the body.

Inside the World Tree at night.

Miao Yue suddenly opened her eyes and looked towards the Qun Jade Pavilion in the distance.

His eyes were full of surprise.

"Oh... I can't see it. His potential is so good, but... where does the opponent's Nuwa power come from? It's really strange..."

Although I know there is such a thing as all heavens and worlds.

However, the particularity of his own power.

There is only one Nuwa in each world.

So where does the opponent's power come from?

She couldn't figure it out.

And Su Han didn't know either.

Miao Yue knew that Su Han would not lie to others, and he probably also wondered about the source of his power.

"Maybe...his memory has been sealed."

Slowly she fell into a deep sleep.

Fixed borders before.

But a lot of energy was wasted.

A good rest is a must.

Su Han, on the other hand, has been practicing all night, experiencing the specialness of this power.

The power of Nuwa has huge vitality.

At the same time, you can freely manipulate the power of nature.

This is his perception of power.

Moreover, after refining this power, Su Han felt that his strength was constantly improving.

The level of energy is different from before.

Even the levels of life are completely different.

It’s like he was a mortal before.

But now it's like heading towards the demonic body in the thunder movie.

Although he has the blood of Qinglong.

But...this change is completely different from the power of blood.

It is a transcendent existence.

After getting familiar with the power of Nuwa.

Su Han began to refine the Sun Yao Sword. When Nuwa's power was injected into it, an extremely terrifying power was born from the sword.

And even Lei Qingyue, who was practicing, also sensed the changes here.

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