The result is ridiculous..."

Thinking back on my efforts over the years.

There's only one ridiculous thing to describe it.

Humans don't believe in monsters.

And monsters don’t trust humans either.

cause such consequences.

Just a little bit.

There is something wrong with the world itself.

And it's still the kind that can't be tuned.

Only like Su Han can suppress it with absolute strength.

As for those stubborn people, they can just be devoured.

Not a good bird anyway.

"Yeah... Only by changing the background, humans will know that their views are wrong. Just like the world of Teyvat, even humans are quite envious of monsters.

When I heard the news.

It's still a bit unbelievable. "

It can be accepted by the six ears.

In fact, it is the customs and culture of this world.

Inazuma, monsters are originally the descendants of gods.

Don't talk about being superior.

You can also get people's respect.

Of course, monsters also have to protect the people. 780

it is necessary.

The monsters in Liyue are immortals... It should be said that there is no such thing as monsters.

Because everyone showed up.

And Mond's words.

Monsters are elves.

There is no such villain either.

"All the evildoers were killed, and people knew right from wrong... In fact, it confirmed that point, humans have good and bad... and so do monsters.

We come into this world.

Although he was forced to come here. must also restrain your subordinates. Let's go... take a look inside with me, and if nothing happens... I'll take you to Qunyu Pavilion. "


The two people walked inside.

There are many foxes here.

Of course there are leech monsters.

There are also some monsters from Inazuma, who are Gohyakuzo's men.

Teach the little foxes spells here.

It looks extremely harmonious.

Came to Tushan's palace.

Tushan Yaya is practicing at this time.

He woke up when he heard footsteps.

"'re back, this Liu'er?"

"Well... I originally planned to go to the Southern Kingdom first, but when I met her on the way, I thought of drawing her over. I think it would be a good thing if the Aolai Kingdom joins Teyvat.

Then he invited the other party over.

Tushan has been developing well recently..."

"Of course, Brother Su Han takes great care of us. Do you know Third Sister? They are all ministers of medical care now... My dear, even I have to make an appointment in advance to see you.

It’s so majestic...”

Tushan Yaya's eyes were full of envy.

The younger sister’s strength was recognized.

That's a great thing.

However, it’s also because it’s so good.

So the other party is very busy.

Now it has become a problem for sisters to meet each other.

I can only communicate through phone calls every day.

The reason is actually very simple.

Because, in addition to studying every day, my little sister also has to refine elixirs.

"What about Jade Spirit?"

"She... is now more popular than my little sister, and is even busier... The Leech clan is originally a master of medicine, and now that they are being taken seriously, they are in a state of prosperity..."

Talking about Jade Spirit.

Tushan Yaya's eyes were filled with speechlessness.

Because the other party is too busy... everyone in the tribe has already come to him.

The nickname is: help carry them together.

In fact, let yourself be the director of the kindergarten.

It's absolutely abominable.

Liu Er couldn't help laughing.

She also asked why there were so many leech monsters in Tushan.

So that’s what happened.

The two of them didn't stay for long.

Then he went to Qunyu Pavilion.

Because there is a special ultimatum from Su Han.

Therefore, there are no restrictions on where they can go.

Go to Yujing Terrace and go straight through the mirror.

Then they arrived at Qunyu Pavilion.

Tushan Honghong asked the guard: "Is Master Su Han here today?"

"Master Su Han is at Mingyue Xuan..."

"Thank you, brother guard."

"Need not."

Mingyue Xuan is a competition platform located in the Palace of Origin.

On weekdays, when everyone has nothing to do, they would go there to practice or compete.

Tushan Honghong has a map in her hand.

Naturally, he knows where Mingyue Xuan is.

Two people are flying in the sky.

The surprise in Liu Er's eyes has not stopped since he arrived here.

Compared to the shock brought by World Tree.

It's even more terrifying here.

The spiritual energy even turned into gas.

"It's too scary... If you practice in a place like this, ordinary people will become top masters within a period of time... How can there be such a scary place?"

"I was also very surprised when I first came here. And now the feeling is even stronger... It must be because of something else, but... Liu Er, I'll tell you.

If you want to discuss with someone later.

Be polite.

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