Everyone here is not simple.

Don't lose your etiquette. "

"Don't worry...I won't."

Liu Er chuckled.

I want to challenge the strong.

Her body was shaking.

Not long after, the two people arrived at Ting Yuexuan.

This is a martial arts arena.

There are maple leaves nearby.

A group of people are discussing the battle inside.

What is being fought today is.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.

The strength of the two brothers is different (bcfe), without using the Explosive Fang and Iron Fang.

The two are evenly matched.

Inuyasha even suppressed Sesshomaru faintly.

Because he can use the power of the wind element.

However, Sesshomaru is not a vegetarian.

He deliberately sold a flaw and won the victory through the overlord color entanglement.

The defeated Inuyasha said with some dissatisfaction: "Damn it... I lost to such a little trick..."

"That's because you are stupid, no wonder others...idiots!!!"

Sesshomaru's eyes were full of contempt.

They have been practicing for so long.

Still can't tell the rhythm of the battle.

It's just terrible.

Then it was Collet versus Fischer.

The former's battles are varied.

The latter is better because it takes longer to practice.

Even though Kelai kept summoning plants to attack, he still couldn't resist Fischer's thunderous burst.

Countless thunders fell like heavy rain.

This directly made Ke Lai choose to admit defeat.

Because she has no retreat.

Directly fight archery.

Nor is he a match for the other party.

"The winner is Fischer..."

"Huh... I still lost. I'm not familiar with the power of seeing and hearing... and I'm a little confused."

"It's okay, Kelai... You have made rapid progress, just keep up your efforts."


At this time, everyone discovered the arrival of Tu Shan Honghong and Liu Er.

Su Han smiled at them and said, "You're back. How do you feel about the world of Teyvat?"

"I originally planned to go to the Southern Kingdom, but unexpectedly I met Liu'er. As a result, we hit it off immediately and took her to the world of Teyvat. Liu'er said that if it looked good.

Just lead the entire Aolai Nation to join us..."

"Well, okay... do you want to come down and spar?"

Faced with Su Han's invitation.

Liu Er smiled and said: "Of course...but I don't find the others interesting. I want to compete with you..."


"That's right... I found that among the people present, you are the strongest... How about we have a fight? No matter we win or lose, I am willing to bring my tribe here."

"Actually, you can choose other people's..."

"Is it possible that you are afraid?"

Liu Er was a little annoyed.

What is a grown man doing?

I saw Hu Tao next to me explaining: "Su Han is not afraid... It's just that if you fight against him, you won't have any experience at all..."


"Because you are defeated in one move, you can practice your martial arts with others. If you fight Su Han... you will be defeated quickly. That's why he doesn't want to fight..."

"You have to fight to know that I am the princess of Aolai Kingdom, the daughter of the Ape Clan..."

Liu Er's pride was aroused.

I saw her taking out her magic weapon.

The skirt on her body also turned into golden armor.

That heroic gesture.

Really extraordinary.

Kujo Sora shook his head and said: "The momentum is not bad... However, she doesn't know what the difference is."

"Those who have never fought against Su Han will never know what his strength is... He is too young."

Diluc also commented.

He had asked Su Han for advice before.

The ending was that he was defeated with one punch.

He didn't even touch the other party's clothes.

And now Liu Er chooses to challenge.

It cannot be said that one does not know how high the sky and the earth are.

But courage is commendable.

Because she had no idea what she was going to face.

Looking at the extremely stubborn girl.

Su Han smiled and nodded: "Okay, since you are so determined... then I will come down and play with you once, but first... if you can't even touch the corner of my clothes.

Then wait until you defeat Gan Yu before fighting me. "


Liu Er heard him accept the challenge.

His face finally became a little better.

Su Han came to the arena and stood still.

A surge of momentum violently emerged from his body.

That terrible power.

Liu Er and Tu Shan Honghong instantly changed their colors.

What is this power?

Does the momentum alone make you unable to breathe?

Of course, the one who suffered the most was Liu Er... She now found that she could not even be called offensive.

Even moving a finger is a luxury.

"What's wrong? Is this your arrogance...is this your dignity? Even fighting is difficult...if you want to challenge me, you have to understand what you are going to face..."

at this moment.

Su Han's voice was extremely cold.

The whole person is as terrifying as a demon.

And his momentum is still increasing.

Chapter 510: The supernatural power, law, heaven and earth appear in the world, and the conquered Second Miss Aolai

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