There is no shamelessness, only more shamelessness.

If you want to defeat him, you have to be more despicable than him.

Otherwise, you will just become the prey of the other party.

"However, you can't be arrogant for long. In the face of absolute power, small tricks are useless..."

Dadalia walked slowly into the shadows.

Disappeared quickly.


When Su Han woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Open your eyes.

He found that he was lying on Shen He's lap.

No wonder I slept so soundly.

Emotional pillows are different.

"I'm awake. How do you feel about your body..."

Shen He's voice is always so gentle.

While talking, he handed him a glass of warm water.

Su Han felt his body and said with a smile: "Half of the domineering energy has been restored, which is great..."

Fierce fighting.

It is always the best way to improve your dominance.

He felt that his knowledge and weapons had become stronger.

At this time, Xiangling heard the conversation between the two people and hurriedly ran over with steaming food.

"Come and have something to eat, Brother Su Han. Don't be so desperate next time. If you encounter an enemy, just run away. There are many of us anyway..."

"What's this?"

Su Han looked at the pot full of things with a look of astonishment on his face.

This pot must weigh three kilograms.

Hot pot is not that outrageous.

Xiangling chuckled and said: "This is my special Xiangling Big Tonic Pot, which contains Qingxin and the fairy grass I borrowed from Grandma Ping.

It's great to get your body back.

Eat quickly...

By the way, it also has the kidneys you like in it. I put six of them..."

Su Han's head was covered with black lines.

Good guy.

This is too much. You want to keep me awake all night, right?

However, looking at the other party's earnest eyes.

Su Han could only reluctantly start eating.

have to say.

Xiangling's craftsmanship is so strong that the kidneys have no peculiar smell at all. After eating the food, the domineering energy in the body is quickly restored.

It’s stronger than Bingliangwan!

In the end, Su Han only ate half of this pot of food, and some of the rest was fed to Snowball Beast and Blackball Beast.

As for Shen He, he even took a bite at first.

However, after asking what part of the waist is.

She didn't even eat a bite.

What a waste of such good food.

However, Su Han's good times did not last long.

Wait until evening.

After everyone comes back.

The criticism meeting began.

This time, it wasn’t just Ningguang who persuaded him to do this next time.

Even Su Han felt that Su Han's move was too risky.

If the enemy is not just one person.

Then, he will probably lose.

Looking at the concerned eyes of everyone, Su Han smiled bitterly and said: "I am not a porcelain doll, I only choose to take action when I know there is only one enemy.

You worry too much about dragons.

Don’t you know my character yet? "

Upon hearing this, Sugar handed him a bottle.

"This is my special Lu Ba Shi special storm bottle. It may come in handy next time you encounter an enemy. By the way, there is also a special bottle of Blood Bodhi potion here.

It's something I've refined.

One bottle is equivalent to one, but the effect of the medicine is magnified. "

"how did you do that?"

Su Han was a little surprised. Can the effect of Blood Bodhi be amplified?

Not simple.

Chapter 84 Digimon evolves, the arrival of Yae Shenzi (third update)

Sugar rubbed the corners of her clothes and said shyly: "I added some essence extracted from meat into it... and some medicinal essence."

It's easy to say.

But there is no long-term experiment.

It is absolutely impossible to succeed.

This bottle is considered a test product.

But the effect of the medicine is great.

Then, Bai Xiao placed a red dress in front of Su Han.

Ningguang said gently: "I know you won't listen to my advice, so I'll just give you this Qilin inner armor. The craftsmen will only make this one for now.

I'll replace it later when something better comes along. "

The inner armor is fiery red.

As beautiful as a flame, when I reached out to touch Su Han, I realized that the texture was very soft.

As comfortable as a feather.

Su Han was surprised: "The scales of the fire unicorn are so soft?"

"Don't look at how soft it is. Just cutting it took two days of work. Come on, put it on and try it..."


Su Han quickly put on the fire unicorn inner armor, the size was very suitable.

And, after putting it on.

The body is still warm.

Everyone's eyes lit up as they watched Su Han change his inner armor.

After all, people rely on clothes.

When dressed like this, he actually looks like a god of war.

At this time, an abnormal feeling came to Su Han's heart, and he opened the realm of transparency.

It was discovered that the fire elements were gathering on their own initiative.

Su Han was surprised: "The Kirin inner armor can also automatically gather the fire element?"

"Yes, that's right. After our tests, the wearer of the Fire God's Eye can continuously restore the fire element by wearing it.

If it is a weapon, the effect should be better. "

Ningguang explained with a smile.

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