Hu Tao asked: "Do I also have 203?"

"Of course, there are all those in the group. However, forget it if they are not fire-attributed... because the conflicting attributes will not give people an advantage.

It also restrains its own attributes. "

For example, Mona... Ganyu, and Keqing cannot wear this.

Because the attributes are wrong.

Can cause elemental reactions.

Take Keqing as an example. If you use sword skills, it may cause an overload explosion.

The enemy hasn't been killed yet.

Let's do a self-destruction first.

Isn't it funny?

Amidst the laughter.

Seeing Su Han's slightly tired expression, everyone dispersed one by one.

However, Baiwen was left behind by him.

Hu Tao couldn't help but joke: "Su Han, do you have official duties tonight? Then I have to give Sister Baiwen more money..."

"How could I treat her badly?"

Su Han smiled softly.

Baiwen seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were full of joy.

Sure enough, after everyone left.

Su Han asked her to take a bath.

The water ripples.

Little hands massaged the muscles.

Not only does it relieve fatigue, it is also very comfortable.

When it's obviously okay.

This girl studied massage techniques again.

After a while, Baiwen asked in a low voice: "Will that immortal disciple be angry if I do this..."

"It's okay, Shen He is not that kind of person."

Su Han said calmly.

He and Shen He slept in each other's arms every day, and naturally talked about many things.

This includes some things about Baiwen.

Under the influence of immortals.

Shen He's view is different from ordinary people.

Similar to Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun.

When Bai (bcfe) Wen heard this, he was obviously relieved.

Compared to those adults.

She is very ordinary.

She was very satisfied to win Su Han's favor.

Two days after that.

Su Han was unable to continue practicing in the cave.

First, you can guide others to practice domineering.

Secondly, he is studying how to evolve Digimon.

In the end, Su Han believed that if Digimon wanted to evolve, in addition to their daily food needs, they could also be stimulated by elements.

For example, Snowball Beast.

He used some ice ore to build a small house for the other party.

The Black Ball Beast uses fire ore.

After two days of nourishing.

Snowballmon is very lively today.

Continuously jumping up and down on the ground.

Hutao squatted on the ground, looked at the Snowball Beast jumping around, and asked, "Why is it so happy?"

"It should be evolving soon."

"Didn't you say evolution takes some time?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "That's a normal situation. If you use elements to stimulate it, it will accelerate its growth..."

As he spoke, there was a ray of light.

Rising from Snowballmon.

It evolved.

White light enveloped Snowballmon.



When light poured into Snowballmon's body.

A cat without legs appeared in front of Hutao.

"Master, I have evolved..."

After gaining evolution.

Meow Meow Beast quickly jumped into Su Han's arms.

Hu Tao said in surprise: "Can you speak?"

"Yes, Hutao...I can talk after I evolve."

After the Meow Meow beast rubbed Su Han, it jumped into Hu Tao's arms.

The two quickly got together.

At this time, the black ball beast that had been wrapped in flame crystals also glowed.

All the black hair on his body has receded.

It turned into a pink ball.

"Haha, I have evolved too...Master, have I become more beautiful?"

The rolling ball beast jumped in front of Su Han.

Show yourself like crazy.

Su Han smiled and said: "This is not called good-looking, but handsome, you know..."

"Oh, okay...haha."

If the Meow Meow Beast is a cute little princess.

Then Rollermon is an energetic little boy.

This is the best time to establish values ​​for them.

However, with Nutao around, these two Digimon have a chance of becoming sand sculpture pets.

"Hahaha... It's so fun, the rolling ball beast rushes..."

At this time, Hall Master Hu placed the rolling ball beast above his head and ran wildly.

And behind it is the Meowth beast that is constantly chasing him.

The three guys had a great time.

Su Han shook his head.

Forget it...we'll teach them to fight when they grow up.

It’s better to enjoy your childhood a little more now.

About half an hour later.

Baiwen hurried in from outside.

"Sir, Inazuma's envoy is here and wants to see you..."

"The messenger of Inazuma? What is the other party's name?"

"I don't know, it's a woman with long pink hair and a very strong aura, similar to Master Ningguang..."

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