Following Tinari's speech, countless people were stunned.


Even the superior god recognized it...

Does this prove...other cities are wrong?

Next Tinari brought the senator to the stage.

I saw the other party start to tell.

"You may all know me, this old guy, yes... I am the appointed venerable, Mongolian... Master Cao Shen never abandons me. I have done many wrong things but I am still forgiven...

I'm sorry about that...

I am also very grateful..."

The elders talked about many things.

Among them is the Xumi Order's suppression of the prestige of the Grass God.

Over hundreds of years.

In the end, everyone only knew about the Sumeru Order but not about Lord Cao Shen.

This is wrong.

Because he came into contact with Liyue, the elder came to regret.


As a human being, it is very proud to defeat the majesty of gods.

But has Xumi really become happy?

There is actually a lot of data to prove it.

Xumi now is compared to five hundred years ago.

In fact, it has declined a lot.

More than just combat capability.

Rainforests of all kinds are being degraded.

Desert areas are expanding.

People's lives are not rich at all.

However, because communication and knowledge are controlled.

So the people didn't think anything was wrong.

However, what happened to Kelai was a foreshadowing.

She was Sumeru's child and suffered a lot.

It was supposed to be happiness.

But he was ridiculed by countless people.

Then the elder revealed a lot of information collected by Kuuki-nin.

Xumi currently has 568 technological pilot factories.

All were built by the Winter Kingdom.

It's not just that.

The other party also continues to capture young children for brainwashing and become their spies.

This thing lasted for hundreds of years.

And a large number of lists were also announced.

People were shocked at first, but as they listened, they became horrified.

Because some children are missing.

It has even become a local legend.

As a result, it turned out that the other party was kidnapped.

Such an appalling and vicious thing.

It's simply scary to death.

The elder was silent for a moment and continued: "We should unite... The Xumi Order did make our country strong in the past, but the country's self-confidence...

But it is a sin.

They don't know what they did in 5.4.

I don’t know what kind of folly I was born into.

This is a kind of sadness, the sadness of all people..."

After the words fell.

The city fell into silence.

If there is no approval from the Grass God.

Maybe everyone will still doubt the elders.

However, now... no one would doubt it.

People began to hate the Sumeru Order.

Start hating their inaction.

Give up the life and death of the people.

Just pursue your own happiness.

Just pursue your own field.

What do they think of the common people?

People are angry.

How can this not make you angry?

They stole those children today, and they could obviously steal their own children.

Now everyone must unite.

But that kind of thing won't happen in Huachengguo.

Because everyone knows that Liyue's soldiers are stationed here, and the fools are not allowed to approach here.

Anyone who comes close will be killed without mercy.

The plot began to ferment.

After countless people returned to their respective cities.

Then he began to spread the word about what he had encountered.

People were skeptical at first.

Until a child who had been missing for more than ten years appeared in front of the public.

People just found out.

It turns out that all of this is true.

Chapter 522: A major incident broke out in Xumi, which reverberated throughout the continent

"Are you...really a child of the Fantanilu family in our city?"

"Aunt Bai Ya, don't you remember me? When I was six years old, I once fell on my head, so now I have to collect medicine... In the end, it was the medicine sent by Uncle Sean

It rained heavily that day.

We can't get out..."

"What? You are really Nalu... Oh my god... Where have you been all these years?"

Talk about your own experiences.

The woman who had grown into an adult couldn't help but sigh.

His eyesight was also a little dim.

"After that time, my body kept getting sick for some reason... My mother tried many methods, but without exception, she couldn't cure me.

Later, there was a medical clinic nearby called The Green Place.

Wherever I was sent..."

"Yes... I still remember it, but then a fire broke out... I heard that many people were burned to death, and your mother didn't eat for two days and two nights after hearing the news...

So you're not dead? "

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