"Yes... the people in that clinic are villains from the Solstice Kingdom. They sold us to the fools of the Solstice Kingdom and became the experimental subjects there... If we weren't rescued later.

I guess I'm still walking on the wrong road. "

Talk about past events.

The woman's face was full of pain.

Then, the aunt took her home.

The moment the clothes are lifted.

Everyone was shocked.

It should have been the age of a flower.

However, her back was covered with criss-cross scars.

Most of the injuries were still covered in bandages.



All important parts are like this.

There are even scars on his neck.

Her mother cried bitterly and couldn't imagine that her daughter was really back.

"My child...my poor child, where have you been...Mom misses you so much...wuwuwuwu..."

A woman with gray hair.

Unstoppable crying.

The tragic sound spread throughout the nearby streets and alleys.

Everyone came after hearing the news.

When I learned that the Fantanilu family's children were back.

Everyone was shocked.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

This child's experience is the most important story.

Because she was kidnapped by the fools.

And those people disguised themselves as doctors and took away many children.

According to Nalu's claim.

There were at least six hundred children.

Unable to withstand the test, all died.

And they left nothing but a name.

"But do you have any evidence? You must be a spy somewhere..."

A man dressed as an official arrived nearby. Instead of comforting Na Lu, he questioned her authenticity.

He even looked at her interrogatingly.

Everyone stared angrily.

Na Lu smiled and said: "Of course I have evidence, but... it's not for lackeys like you to see!!!"

The figure flashed.

Nalu's short knife penetrated deeply into the opponent's body.

Blood splattered wildly.

The crowd kept screaming.

Na Lu said coldly: "Do you know why those clinics can be opened? It's because those high-ranking adults were bribed...

I've seen them trade.

As for salvation.

These are the signatures of children from all over the world in my hands. "

A white cloth appeared in her hands.

Every name is followed by a place name.

The large amount of blood is shocking to people.

This is a list written in blood.

Na Lu said with tears rolling down her face: "Did you see it? Beast... This is the bloody evidence... My list is not complete at all. In order to protect it...

We put this kind of thing in the body in a special container. "

Everyone around them kept their mouths shut.

So many lists.

It should be kept inside the body.

How terrible this is.

However, if you think about it, if you put it outside.

He would probably be caught and executed.

But Nalu has been preserved until now.

The official's servant showed a horrified look.

Then he was arrested by everyone.

People followed Nalu to the official's mansion.

As descendants of wise men.

The other side where the other side lives is incredibly gorgeous.

That splendid house.

It is wealth that ordinary people cannot obtain in several lifetimes.

But today, it’s coming to an end.

Angry people rushed in.

The soldiers were defeated by Nalu without even reacting.

Then under her leadership.

Came to the official's room.

People are constantly searching.

Finally, hundreds of letters to and from the Fool were discovered in a secret compartment.

And just in a recent conversation.

The official was still talking about the lack of Mora.

The other person said they needed some lamb.

As for lamb?

Everyone understands it.

As a result, the officials were tied up.

People wanted to burn him to death.

But Nalu said calmly: "Folks, don't worry, we are going to send him to the trial court in Huachengguo. We want all Sumeru people to know the crimes of these guys...

We want to make these accusations public..."

"Yes, believe Nalu... let's go!!!"

People carried the officials who had been knocked unconscious.

There is also a kind of dogleg.

Went to Huachengguo.

For some reason, this place has become a sacred place in the hearts of the people.

Maybe it's because of Buddhist scriptures.

Maybe it's because of the elders of Huachengguo.

When people arrived nearby, they found that they were not alone.

Three waves of people gathered here.

The reasons are surprisingly the same.

It's all the same experience as Kelai.

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