"Oh my...it's not my own country, it's really obvious...you keep saying you love each other, but when something happens, you make yourself superior.

It’s really yours..."


Listen to that harsh sound.

Jaina stopped instantly.

He turned his head and looked into the distance.

I saw it on a big rock.

There stood an extremely charming woman.

The other person has brown curly hair.

The body is extremely beautiful.

Far more than just one thing about Jaina.

Moreover, the magic reaction on the opponent's body is very powerful.

Who is this woman?

Why didn't she have any impression at all?

Alsace also stopped and asked Lisa, "Who are you?"

"Don't worry about who I am... I just feel that these two people are so superior that I can't stand it. It's not my country and I can leave whenever I want... I think it's cruel to kill so many people, right?

Then, looking back, this place became a place of plague.

How many people will die unexpectedly?

Now you might be saying... Alsace is a beast, an executioner without a conscience.

But what should you do instead?

Turn a blind eye?

Or...it would make my conscience feel better if I left it like this.

And that's how sanctimonious people convince themselves.

Anyway, out of sight is out of mind.

Those people who died were not their own family members.

If Kul Tiras becomes like this, I would like to ask our Miss Jaina if she would also say something.

[Oh...I can't kill them because they are all living people...]

Is this right? "

Faced with Lisa's ridicule.

Jaina's face looked extremely ugly.

Then she looked at Uther and sneered: "I am the famous Uther...so awesome, I keep saying there are other solutions.

Turn around and leave.

Did Alsace make a mistake?

Is he a prince or are you a prince?

You are just a mentor, do you have the right to inherit the country? "


Still silent.

The soldiers nearby didn't know what to say.

I just watched Uther’s impassioned speech.

It's quite top-notch.

Now hear the words of the mysterious woman.

Something doesn't seem right.

No matter what the prince says, he is the prince.

Although the approach is a bit extreme.

However, the other party is doing it for this country.

And just now everyone saw that there was plague in those grains.

The people in the city were completely finished.

There are no medications now.

Even Uther's Holy Light Magic could not save the people inside.

The so-called other methods.

In fact, it's to escape for one's own life, right?

"Who are you...I never knew there was such a thing as you. Even Dalaran doesn't have a mage like you..."

"My name is Lisa, and I come from another world. I just find it ridiculous to see you arguing. May I ask...Mr. Uther.

If the city is not purified.

What are you going to do?

I leave the decision to you. It only takes two days for all the people here to turn into undead.

You solve it..."

Listening to Lisa's aggressive words.

Uther panicked for a moment.

"I...my words...I..."

He didn't know what to say.

Eaten a lot of poisonous stuff.

How could anyone be okay?

The so-called leaving.

In fact, I just don’t want to kill the common people like Blood Blade.

I don't want his glorious name to be tarnished.

But when the question was asked, he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Lisa sneered: "Hey... I can't say anything, haha... weren't you very arrogant just now? Why are you speechless now...

Being condescending when blaming others.

When it was his turn, he couldn't even fart.

You are no longer pedantic.

But stupidity...

An extremely stupid guy! "

Hear this.

Alsace was so comfortable.

There was even mockery in Uther's eyes.

Come on, mentor.

Why don't you speak?

Isn’t it great on weekdays?

Why is it misfiring?

Uther noticed everyone's gazes and gritted his teeth: "Then what do you think we should do? If I were asked to kill so many... I can't do it..."

"Hahahahaha... If you can't do that, just follow the prince to see what's going on inside. By the way, the prince said it needs to be purified.

They haven't taken action yet.

You and Jaina started to want to run away...

Is there something wrong in your heart?

Your Highness, I suggest that the information should not be leaked.

It would be best to arrest these two, as long as they follow...otherwise, if there are Scourge spies.

Then we will suffer..."

"Miss Lisa is right, whether you help me or not... I can't let you go, especially since you... Uther... have been dismissed from your post.

You also have to watch us purify the city...

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