Soldiers, let's go... show this guy.

What’s inside! "


Everyone followed Alsace and continued moving forward.

Two people who were supposed to leave.

Forced to follow.

And Lisa appeared next to Alsace with Qin and others.

"Thank you so much, young lady. I felt very confused and helpless just now, and even doubted myself...whether this was the right thing to do. Fortunately, I have your help..."

"It's okay, we are here to purify the undead. Because our hometown was also destroyed by the undead... so what we just said was a bit extreme."

"Don't say that... We are all on the same front, and... you are right. For the sake of the kingdom, some cruel methods are nothing...

As long as there is a little chance.

I will save them all.

This is what I swear...

However, they wanted to abandon me and leave.

Don't even want to come in and take a look.

How ridiculous..."

Although Alsace was heartbroken, he learned a lot.

Lisa is right.

No matter how.

You come in and take a look first.

He turned around and left before entering the city.

It's not about escaping.


Haha, when there were no natural disasters.

She doesn't have such an attitude towards herself.

She is truly a money-worshiping girl.

And Uther is just a useless old fogy.

Alsace has already made a decision in his heart, after this incident.

The contact between the two people was severed.

Just let them fend for themselves.

I still have things to do.

Not in the mood to deal with relationships.

Chapter 525 Arthas gradually regains his confidence, and the undead natural disasters are crushed one by one

Uther and Jaina watched as the soldier raised his sword.

Naturally, I didn’t dare to talk too much.

I can only follow obediently.

Because they know.

Once you choose not to go, a war will inevitably break out.

Moreover, Alsace's expression.

It's not fake.

That is truly a heart of stone.

"What should we do? Mr. Uther..."

"We can only follow Arthas. He has gone astray... It is not a good time to have a dispute now."

Listen to those high-sounding words.

Jaina didn't know how to feel.

On the contrary, Alsace in front was chatting with Lisa and others.

"Making this kind of decision...I have no choice. If I want to protect my country, I naturally have to clean up this city with such a large population.

I really don't want to kill them all.

I wonder what the three of you can do? "

faced his inquiry.

Qin smiled and said: "Of course there is a way...but I want to remind you Alsace, if it is a terminally ill person, we do not have special power to purify it."

"Yeah...I know. That's enough...Today's events have made me see clearly that many people, including my former lover, are nothing more than this."

If I were king, I would immediately take all support for Kul Tiras. "

Alsace has an upright temperament.

Who treats him well.

He will be kind to anyone.

Now Lisa is standing in solidarity.

He subconsciously believed in these three strangers.

Of course, my prince did not believe this blindly, but he felt the huge power of light element from Qin's body.

Arrive at the city of Stratholme.

Citizens gathered around.

Some started cheering.

Some began to praise.

But without exception, everyone welcomed the young prince.

"Please be quiet... We want to announce something... Maybe everyone doesn't know that the grains shipped contain a lot of plague.

That was the work of the Scourge Lich.

It is also a complete set set by the devil.

Some of you have died.

But I don’t know yet... As a prince, I am very sad and heartbroken at the same time.

Not everyone died, though.

There are still some people who are safe. Now please ask Miss Qin to baptize you..."

Listening to Alsace's words, the citizens were extremely frightened.

But then a gentle light came on.

But it brought people a little peace of mind.

Qin held the Sword of Victory in her hand and recited: "Gentle light of mercy... Please bring blessings to the people here and let all the darkness subside...

Let the light bloom...

The power of purification..."


A powerful light enveloped the entire square.

A large number of soldiers fell down in pain.

And so do some citizens.

The fallen humans kept wailing.

Soon the skin ulcerated and turned into undead bodies.

Everyone around was frightened.

However, Lisa also completed her work.

A rose seal.

"Safe people please come here. There is clean water and food...Don't be afraid of what happened today, we will take care of everything..."

Maybe people are very scared.

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