As the administrator, he can set many permissions.

For example, how long does moonlight last.

How long does the dormant period last here?

Also, whether it is open to all living creatures.

These are the problems.

Su Han thought for a while and finally chose to be partially open.

First of all, people in your own group.

All set to open.

You can enter at will.

Katakuri and others could not enter until night.

As for ordinary soldiers, they can also enter.

However, it was the same as Katakuri and others.

There are regional restrictions.

You can only move and practice on the periphery.

And can't get inside.

With the opening of permissions.

A large number of people came in one after another.

Hutao looked at the completely different scenery and jumped up happily.

"Wuhu... It's so fun, so interesting... It's more comfortable than Nasida's world..."

It's not just her.

Others feel the same way.

Because the Emerald Dream is huge.

It is equivalent to the scope of three Liyue ports.

It can be seen from this.

How vast this space is.

After Yae Shenzi and others entered, they said to him: "Bring Nasida in... just let her work for us, and I will come up with an excuse then.

It is absolutely impossible for her to doubt..."


Su Han has a way to contact Nasida.

Through that mark, he directly said when he got a dream space.

The other person looked very surprised.

Hearing Su Han invite him to come over and play.

Nasida expressed great joy.

Accompanied by a beam of green light.

The other party came to this strange space.

At this time, the dryads and druids have not yet hatched.

But...the majestic vitality and the new dreamland.

This little Lucky Grass King was very shocked.

"What a... What a beautiful place, and there are such creatures... And it doesn't feel like a dream to me. It's really amazing..."

Nacida admired the beauty nearby.

As the controller of the power of dreams.

She was very surprised.

Where did Su Han get this space from?

It is simply more beautiful and larger than my own power space.

Su Han came to her and handed a mark to her.

"What's this?"

"The mark of the Emerald Dream... you can come and go freely from now on, but you also have the right to restrict others from entering. You can be a half-master."

Look at the bright mark.

Nasida froze on the spot for a moment.

She had never thought about Su Han, whom she had only met a few times.

How could he trust himself so much.

Nacida has no result mark.

Instead, he lowered his head.

After a long time, the other party asked: "Why do you believe in me like this... What if I destroy this place when you are not here? I am a descendant of the grass god."

If it devours this space.

You regret it beyond words. "

"Because you won't be like this... The grass god is gentle, and so are you... If the grass god is really that bad, he should fight with the sages.

Instead of letting the other party bully you.

Am I right?


· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Be trusted unconditionally.

Nasida was extremely moved.

Even my nose is a little sore.

She had never had anyone like Yae Kamiko beside her.

It's not as scary as the Thunder movie.

It can be said that Nasida is basically alone.

"Come on... who said we are friends? Trust is mutual. Because you trust us, so... we also trust you."

Facing Su Han.

Nacida nodded vigorously.

She said that she would definitely repay Su Han in the future.

Moreover, the other party’s trust.

I was also extremely moved.

No matter what happens in the future.

Today's scene made Nasida feel the warmth that she had not seen for a long time.

Next, the two people began to visit this dream space.

Although the dream seems vast.

But it's not as big as Liyue.

And Nasida said: "If you want to make the dream space stronger, the best way is to absorb the power of dreams, and when you give back to them, you must also draw strength.

At the same time, I observed...that there are many dream creatures in your world.

This is something very shocking. "

Because although she is a grass god.

........ .. ........

But no living beings appeared in the dream.

This was what shocked her.

Su Han nodded and said: "I understand... By the way, we can't suck all the living creatures in, right?"

"Well, it's best if it's helpful to you... Practicing and leisure in dreams are both helpful to the growth of the soul... I've observed that your space is fixed.

And my dreams can evolve.

There are fixed benefits to being fixed.

It's great to be able to cultivate this place as a world... Such a place is simply a second world for living beings.

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