I want to accommodate my own dream space..."

"Actually, you can try it. Don't you have the authority? You are also a master anyway. If you tolerate it... maybe you will have a strange reaction."

Faced with Su Han's proposal.

Nacida was thinking.

Finally made up my mind.

To blend it.

"If the world collapses, I will stop immediately. Please pay attention, I will use all my power... This was given to me by Lord Grass God.

So it's not very stable. "

Facing Nasida.

Su Han nodded lightly.

I saw Nasida take a deep breath, all the power in her body exploded, and the barrier of the dream space.

Numerous cracks appeared.

A part of the world was forcefully dragged over.

Nasida is a god.

Although very small.

However, her divine power is not weak at all.

At first the Emerald Dream was trembling, but as the dream continued to integrate.

The cracks in space are getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, Su Han had a feeling in his heart.

This dream space is harmed.

That's a realization.

Even if you want to, you can use the power of dreams to blast away external forces.

But he didn't do this.

Instead, he watched Nasida working hard silently.

Time passed minute by minute.

Most of the dream space has been integrated.

Even if you look carefully.

A ghostly image of another world has appeared around the barrier.

At this moment, Nacida was panting.

Collide with the world with your own dreams.

Even if you have permission, it's a waste of power.

Just when she was almost exhausted, an arm was placed on her back.

Chapter 535 The new Emerald Dream space, suitable for the druid power of the Xumi people

"Su Han?"

"Concentrate... I will provide you with strength. The integration of space is a little more difficult than I thought... Keep working hard, Nasida..."


The power of penetration.

Much to her surprise.

I originally thought that Su Han's power was only at the level of an immortal.

But when you really feel it.

But he found that this power was beyond his imagination.

The majestic power surged into the body.

Let Nasida's physical strength recover quickly.

The barriers of space then quickly merged.


When two worlds collide.

The world has changed.

Originally a vast land.

Start growing again.

It didn't stop expanding until it was half the size of Liyue.

Of course, it is a dream after all.

Therefore, the expanding land is not bare darkness, but has all the green plants.

No different from anywhere else.

And Su Han looked at the merged Emerald Dream.

Then I started trying to materialize things.

The result is the same as before.

Whether it is an object or a picture, it can be easily realized.

"Huh... I can finally do this scene, so the dreamland expands... By the way, do you want to let the people of Liyue in? Such a beautiful place.

It's not good to have less people around. "

"827" "My original plan was to place the people in the outer area... and let the druids and other local elves guide them. Anyway, there is no need to practice every night.

Come here to enjoy. "

"Hmm... of course, but... I think it's better to announce it, otherwise... being pulled directly into a dream would be scary."

Nacida heard Su Han's words.

Gave some little suggestions.

Also reacted.

Directly pulling so many people into dreamland.

In fact, it is not a good thing.

On the contrary, it will scare them.

Su Han nodded and said: "Okay... let's do this. But... this fusion of worlds has allowed the Emerald Dream to evolve... You see

The creatures over there have been born..."

The druids who were originally in a cocoon of green light.

One after another they were born in the light.

Some of them are fawns with antlers, and some are storm crows.

And the tree demon also came.

Next is the Emerald Drake.

Countless creatures seem to have gained the power of Nasida.

He was born in just a short while.

After these creatures were born.

They came to Su Han and Nasida one after another.

"See Father God and Mother God..."


This is what you call a creature in a dream.

Su Han looked a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Nasida smiled and said: "Everyone, please get up. From now on, we must work hard to maintain the peace of the dreamland..."


"Then let's disperse..."

As the order is given.

These newly born little guys began to patrol the world in a decent manner.

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