Su Han turned around and looked.

I saw the other person smiling back.

There was no explanation.

The evolution of the Emerald Dream is undoubtedly a good thing.

Although most people cannot access the power of a druid.

But some people are lucky enough to get it.

And this person is the grass-type Eye of God controller: Ke Lai.

"My body seems to have undergone interesting changes...Amber, you see..."

With the smoke falling.

Kelai turned into an elegant moonsaber leopard.

Silvery skin and strong muscles.

It looks very extraordinary.

She learned three transformations.


Flame bird.

azure dolphin

The former is a melee burst, and will have the power of invisibility and silent walking.

The second transformation is Feitian plus fire attribute attack.

Also uses the technique of clone.

The third type is underwater combat.

Hutao looked at Kelai who was constantly changing his form, feeling very envious in his heart.

It's a pity that she couldn't understand the essence of Druid.

For this reason Hutao even begged Su Han.

"Please help me... I also want to transform... It feels so fun..."

"Are you sure you don't want to do a prank?"

"Uh...hehe, I just thought it would be interesting if crows could talk..."

"The power of Druid is the power of dreams, it is not something I can give you. If you can't understand it, it means your power system is not close to nature...

There's really no way around this. "

Facing Su Han's answer.

Hu Tao could only shake his head and said: " seems we can just forget it..."

Although he can't transform himself.

But she can find other people to play with.

Soon Hutao was playing with the druids.

have to say.

Walnut has a lively personality and is very popular.

Dongfang Qinlan looked at the fantasy world and followed Hu Tao to play wildly.

Originally Dongfang Huaizhu wanted to stop him.

But Su Han smiled and said: "Let her play... Children always like to play, and they will slowly stop caring when they are older..."

"That's...well, let's hope she doesn't get more crazy."

Dongfang Huaizhu looked helpless.

In fact, Dongfang Qinlan is not the only one who is having fun in this world.

Like Tushan Yaya.



They all had a great time.

And people like Baguio are also attracted by this dreamy world.

This dream space has a completely different effect than before.

It was heaven.

Even many of the plants are very interesting.

It's natural to practice Taoism here.

But Baguio felt that was too tiring.

Just practice hard during the day.

Going back to the dream, I still have to practice.

I really don’t know how to enjoy it.

Paimon, on the other hand, stopped talking and started playing hide-and-seek with Keli.

On the contrary, it was Yingmei who understood the function.

He asked Su Han, "Can we send Capachili's soul and Aru's soul here to be incubated?"

"I think Capachili can... If Aru, is he really a soul?"

Just regular human kids.

The soul is extremely weak.

How to resist the corrosion of thousands of years.

Time is the most ruthless.

What remains in Heguan is actually just an image of Aru.

The other party's soul has long since perished.

Facing Su Han's rhetorical question, Yingmei fell into deep thought. After a while, she smiled bitterly and said, "So that's it..."

Even Yaksha's soul cannot resist the corrosion of time.

Naturally, a mere human boy would not be able to resist.

"Come here to rest every night from now on. At the same time, you can plant the seeds of your soul in the central area. Except for people in the group, no one else can enter this place."

To protect everyone's safety.

Now, many spiritual seeds have been condensed.

Including Yae Shenzi, they all left their soul marks.

in case.

Yingmei nodded and said: "Well, I understand..."

She found a tree.

Distribute the power of your soul.

Look at the mark that turned into a blue fruit.

I thought this should be done.

With the double protection of Grass God and Su Han...

Don't even think about invading this world at the level of a demon.

It can be said to be the last guarantee for everyone.

As everyone becomes familiar with dreams.

Su Han began to liberate some areas.

Some soldiers from the three countries began to appear here.

Because training during the day is very hard.

So the soldiers rested before nine o'clock.

After arriving in this space.

They looked shocked.

Until the elves explained the owner of the Emerald Dream.

It dawned on everyone.

This is a gift given by Master Su Han to all living beings.

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