But you can still get soul nourishment.

Let the soul get sufficient rest.

Whether it's playing in it or having fun.

All can gain the power of nourishment... At the same time, those with special talents can also gain fantastic power... become a druid, or sign a special summoning contract with the creatures in the forest. "

Watching the druid changing form in the grass.

People were shocked.

Isn't this sorcery?

Why humans can master it too.

However, don't think this is an ordinary transformation.

The power of Storm Crow can destroy an entire rock wall.

At the same time, the Hero of the Earth can master the power of the earth.

And the defense is very powerful.

The various forms are very novel to people.

Of course, the most terrifying transformation among them is the owl beast form.

After becoming Gugu.

Can use star magic and natural magic.

Various spells emerge in endlessly.

The power of the druid shocked even the mages of the Arcane Throne.

"Okay... The Emerald Dream has been introduced. Next is the benefits for cultivators of the flame attribute. Master Su Han used his supreme power to open up the mysterious ancient world.

Flame Mountain.

Practicing in it can not only obtain the powerful power of fire.

The speed of cultivation can also be increased to a very terrifying result. "

The screen rotates.

A huge mountain that was almost burning appeared in front of people.

A fiery red spiritual stone like crystal.

Various exotic flowers and plants with fire attributes.

There is also the most terrifying top of the Samadhi True Volcano.


It's all so shocking.

The previous world tree.

Undersea city.

Even Qunyu Pavilion.

Now we have arrived at the Flame Mountain.

Su Han brings endless shocks to people.

You can't even imagine it.

What else can the other party do.

Then Baiwen continued: "Don't worry, everyone... All fire attribute cultivators can register with the official. Ordinary cultivators can practice two days a month.

One hundred points can be exchanged for one day of practice time.

If you can become an elite.

Then you can get five days of practice time.

If you can get Master Su Han's approval, you can have half a month to practice...

Even practicing every day is not a problem.

Currently, many powerful people are practicing in it.

Including Mr. Diluc.

Miss Walnut.

Miss Xiaogong...

Everyone is practicing there.

In fact, Tushan Honghong is also among them.

The birth of the Flame Mountain really makes fire practitioners salivate.

Practice here.

The strength is skyrocketing every day.

Moreover, you can also understand your own unique flame.

It’s such a cool place, who wouldn’t come?

And Liu Er naturally also practices here.

Compared to Tushan's red devouring flames, she used this samadhi true fire to cultivate the immortal vajra body.

That was ancient times.

The physique cultivated by the patriarch of their clan.

But because of the disappearance of the true fire of samadhi.

As a result, this physique also disappeared.

Now I see the true fire of Samadhi.

She is simply top notch..."

In fact, Liu Er should have returned to China proudly.

But a series of events caused her to stay in the world of Teyvat.

Also, the communication with my brother is not very good.

The other person thinks the world is too dangerous.

However, Liu Er said that this is the best place for development.

As a result, the two sides were at loggerheads.

But with the Flame Mountain, Liu Er felt that he could not convince his brother.

Then defeat the opponent directly.

The future of Aolai Country cannot be left to a child.


As for the country of Sumeru.

Now there's news too.

Nature is all about emerald woodlands.

There is also the problem of not being able to enter dreams.

The elders of the Danghua City area and Tinari and others expressed the power of the Emerald Dream.

At the same time, the latter also showed his power as a druid.

Suspicion grew.

Why...Sumi people can't dream?

What is it that causes Sumeru people to not dream?

It is said that not being able to dream is a sign of wisdom.

However, no matter how you look at the word wisdom now, it seems a bit mocking.

Chapter 538: Vimalakirti Village is allowed to enter the Emerald Dream, the envy and shock of the Xumi people

"We can't dream, and we can't enter the Emerald Dream...there are plants and races we have never seen before..."

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't Mr. Tinari go to the Emerald Dream? And he also gained the power of a druid..."

"I found that the power of druids is the most suitable for our country of Xumi. Our country's terrain is complex... and druids can change their postures in various ways.

It’s a perfect fit..."

"Yes, you can transform into a flying druid to perform missions in the sky. You can transform into an earth bear to fight on land. If you are fighting in the jungle, you can transform into a cheetah or other forms.

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