If you are on the coast, you can enter the aquatic form..."

"I'm so envious... I want to go to Hua Chengguo. If I go there, I can enter the Emerald Dream..."

"Yes, even if we can't learn druid transformation, it would be good if we could learn Buddhist scriptures. I heard that there are many ascetics in Huacheng City now.

The strength is very powerful.

A few days ago, I remember where... there were bandits, and all the ascetics who passed by were beaten to death.

Those people made a lot of publicity after they were rescued..."

"We deserve to be beaten to death...who let them rob us of our food and finances..."

"It seems now... the so-called wisdom is basically nihilistic. We have to be down-to-earth... Since the Little Lucky Grass King supports Hua Chengguo.

Then we should try to get there. "

"Yes, how could Lord Grass God harm us..."


The more people talk about it.

The more I feel about going to Huachengguo.

Or the necessity of joining the Huachengguo system.

In the past, I just felt that there was a difference in supplies.

Some even said it was a conspiracy.

But...is this really a conspiracy?

One statement after another from the sages seems to be rubbish, without any authority.

On the contrary, it comes from news within Huachengguo.

But one is more important than the other.

The orthodoxy of the Buddhist scriptures.

After signing the trade treaty with Liyue, the economy near Huachengguo has 827 ushered in rapid growth.

Take Vimalakirti Village near Huachengguo as an example.

The original villa.

Now because of joining the Liyue system.

Now with the influx of cable and TV stations, the entire Weimo Village has changed. At the same time...in the past few days, people here are still discussing with the people in Liyue.

Open an aerial cable car.

Enhance transportation convenience.

It can be said that the rise of Vimo Village is just around the corner.

Many businessmen and nearby residents.

Everyone wants to live there.


And so it is.

At this moment, in Vimo Village, countless workers are transforming the city.

The entire mountainside has been hollowed out, and a large number of trendy buildings continue to appear in front of the people.

The signal tower was also successfully established.

In this way, all TV station programs can be received.

"This is the phone bug this time, there are a hundred of them... How to use it, as well as how to prevent eavesdropping..."

"Thank you..."

The owner of Weimo Village quickly bowed.

You know, these things are priceless treasures.

Although the void system can communicate.

However, the Void is currently controlled by the Sage, and the Telephone Bug is a replacement.

Even improved.

Videos can also be played.

It's a very good thing.

Liyue's envoy smiled and said: "We are all one, don't be so open-minded... Master Ningguang made a suggestion after reading the plan you submitted before."

"Please say..."

"Two aerial cable cars can be built, one comes and one goes... This is convenient. Secondly, with the increase in trade, we can double the supply.

But remember...it can only be sold to the public.

And don't profit from it.

Otherwise...you should know the consequences of doing so. "

"Yes Yes..."

The owner of Weimo Village nodded repeatedly.

He is dedicated to the people.

Naturally, I won't do reselling.

Moreover, Huachengguo is very close to Vimalakirti Village.

He wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

After watching the conversation end, the village owner asked the envoy.

"That... thing about the Emerald Dream, I wonder if we can report it. I heard that you can go to that dreamland... We at Vimo Village started talking about it this morning..."

"Well, there is news about this. Huachengguo is just the first area... Today you have Vimalakia Village. Don't worry... As for the other places.

It's not that we don't want to.

It’s about those people who don’t distinguish between right and wrong, and confuse black and white... Such people are not worthy of entering the great dream world..."

"Yes Yes..."

The owner of Weimo Village smiled bitterly.

It seems that Xumi still has some work to do.

However, it's also...those people trying to slander Lord Su Han.

It would be strange if it could produce good fruits.

It's better to rely on Lord Grass God, you can get various benefits.

When various things such as televisions can be used.

The people burst into cheers of joy.

The TV sets they use are all old models, but the price is very cheap. You can buy one for only 200 moras.

If Liyue Bank is opened.

Then you can enjoy 10% off.

Of course, the most important thing.

It's still about the Emerald Dream.

When the people learned that Vimo Village was about to enter the Emerald Dream, they all started cheering.

They haven't had a dream since they were children.

This is the first time.

Somewhat excited.

When night falls.

The common people finished washing early and lay down on their beds.

First time dreaming.

What does that feel like?

Inside Vimalakirti Village.

Except for the normal guards, everyone is waiting on the bed for the dream to come.

Probably after everyone was asleep.

A green light enveloped their consciousness.

The owner of Weimo Village opened his eyes.

Looking at the strange world in front of him, he showed a shocked expression.

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