He didn't really want to comply, but...thinking back to those newspapers.

What is the meaning of perseverance?

Sage men like to drink spicy food.

What about other people?

But very poor.

During the holiday a few days ago, he went to Huachengguo.

The people there.

They live more prosperously than the people around here.

Even everyone is equal.

At that moment, Gaide's heart was filled with doubts.

Why does this happen?

The sages say: Without wisdom, there is no wealth.

But is this really the case?

Not necessarily.

Even ordinary people should have the right to enjoy happiness!

The door was burst open.

Countless people and soldiers finally chose to look for the wise men.

The first one to be found.

He is a scholar who studies geography.

The other party was sleeping with the beautiful woman in his arms at this time.

I never expected to encounter such a thing.

Look at the other party's ugly appearance.

People are even more angry.

A hunter grabbed the opponent's collar, slapped him twice, and then shouted: "You beast... look what Xumi has become?

How dare you sleep with a woman in your arms! ! ! "

"Oh... who are you... who are you..."

The people were extremely angry.

The scholar was directly held in front of the only television.

Because someone secretly built a signal tower.

So, TV works here too.

Three hours ago.

It was done secretly by people from Liyue.

It looks like a tree.

Inside is a signal tower.

"Did you see it? This is Xumi now... What have you beasts done?"

"You still have the nerve to be called a sage, bah... Lord Su Han is right, you are just a bunch of... just a bunch of beasts..."

Then the second sage.

The third sage was thrown out.

Look at the picture on the screen.

One by one fell into sluggishness.

"The Scarlet King... who moved the seal!!!"

"Who on earth touched the Scarlet King's seal..."

"The only thing that can cause this situation is the ruins of the Scarlet King, but it's not sealed there... who broke the seal..."

"Where is the Great Sage? Where is the Great Sage..."

changes in circumstances.

Contrary to everyone's expectations.

No one thought of it.

Things will come to this.

Of course, these sages were also frightened by the angry people.

Many of them want to resist.

However, they have not fought for a long time, how can they be the opponents of those soldiers.

It only took a few blows to subdue him.

However, there are still some powerful people among the sages.

One of the strong men of the water system appeared and rescued those people.

"What are you doing? Do you want breakfast..."

"Kill us if you dare, you worms in Sumeru... Now that the country has become like this, don't you have any shame? Just watch TV...

This is the state of our country..."


The veteran sage looked at the screen.

He was stunned for a moment.

Water vapor is being absorbed by the desert.

Isn't this phenomenon the blood siphoning recorded in history?


The old man's mind went blank.

He did not expect that something would happen to the Scarlet King's ruins.

What the hell happened?

At this time, the conversation between Tinari and the host was heard on the screen.

"How is the situation on the front line?"

“It’s very bad...The air is very hot and the temperature is rising extremely...As long as you put your hand out of the rainforest, the water will soon be evaporated...The people in the desert will suffer.

We can't stay here any longer.

We need to bring water sources to rescue the survivors in the desert... Everyone wears magic props and prepares to move forward..."

"Wait, Mr. Tinari...something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Tinari looked at the young man.

I saw the other party looking at the ground tremblingly and saying: "The desert is expanding... Our rainforest is degrading!!!"

"What did you say?"

Tinari and the camera look directly at the earth.

All I can see is the desert beneath my feet.

Really moving forward slowly.

And the original rainforest.

will be cannibalized.

The picture is very clear.

This scene was seen by countless people.

If the rainforest is swallowed up.

Then the Sumeru Kingdom will also perish!

This scene scared many people.

Tinari came back to his senses and said: ".¨Let's save people first... I'll leave the rest to others... Let's go!!!"


"Human life is at stake. If we hesitate, someone will die. Hurry up..."


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