Six people turned into druid bodies.

Running towards the desert.

However, the picture is fixed on the edge of the desert and rainforest.

Although the devouring speed is very slow.

But people's eyes are not blind.

Pictures of rainforests being eroded.

That's the real deal.

See this scene.

The Xumi Cult made the courtyard fall into silence.

But the people stopped doing it.

"Sage... What should we do now? We are on the verge of life and death... Aren't you known as the wisest people in Sumeru?"

"Yes, so many molas are sent here every day. You must have a plan..."

"Okay, three sages have escaped!!!"

Just when people are asking.

Soldiers shouted in the distance.

This further damaged the reputation of the sage.

Ran! ! !

What's happening here?

When there is peace, be high.

Encounter difficulties.


Is this wisdom?

And the leading man shouted: "So... where is the Great Sage?"

"We haven't found it yet... We have searched everywhere, and even used the void system to contact us, but... no one answered!!!"


"The Great Sage also ran away..."

"The powerful outsider is just a useless piece of trash..."

"Lord Su Han never lies to others. He said before that sages are just a bunch of trash with knowledge. It seems to be true... he will run away when encountering difficulties.

There really are them..."

"Sucking the bone marrow of Sumeru, he became like this. He is indeed a smart man. It turns out that this is how wisdom is used."

"If this is the case, then we would rather not have such wisdom..."

Countless voices came.

The term sage.

He was directly sent to the pillar of shame.

Run away when something happens.

Having an affair with a spy from the Winter Country.

Suppress the common people.

Conflict with friendly countries.

It is well known as management knowledge.

In fact, I just don’t want to teach the people.

Benefit from your own manipulation.

Such a sage.

Such a Xumi religious order.

What's the use?

And in this critical time.

A group of women wearing long black skirts walked slowly from a distance.

The leader said: "The Sumeru Order is not a hall of sages. Will we witches give up on Sumeru...Phi?"

Finally, another ancient force in Sumeru appeared.


There are only geniuses among geniuses.

An organization that one can join.

Chapter 543: The sage’s live broadcast of his confession: As long as people manage Xumi with selfish motives, they will be finished

There are very few people in the witch guild.

Only thirty people were mobilized.

But today they were all present.

The Sumeru Order has many departments, including the Witches' Association...the Investigation Team...the Assassin Group.

Not all are academic organizations.

Otherwise, how can we thrive in various countries?

It's just that things were too big today.

These witches who devoted themselves to practice could no longer sit idly by.


"Teacher... do you still remember what you said to me two hundred years ago when I first came to the Xumi Order? You must rely on knowledge to change the world..."

"Let the ignorant get the dawn of knowledge..."

"Let Xumi and other countries in the world enjoy the power of knowledge... But you and the sages of the Xumi Order have betrayed your original oath!

We witches would be willing to sacrifice ourselves in exchange for great power.

Have you forgotten your original intention? "

Facing students’ questions.

The wise man was speechless.

There is not no power among the wise.

Can they really kill everyone?

It's hesitation.

It will become like this now.

Hearing the disciple's question, the sage burst into tears and gritted his teeth and said: "It's my's all our fault..."

Great enlightenment.

What is your pursuit?

Enjoy the fearful gaze of the people?

Or was it the time when I got along happily with the people?

The results are self-evident.

The wise man is actually corrupt.

I have broken my promise.

Xumi Temple.

It was originally about changing the world through knowledge.

Now, countless stupid behaviors have emerged, and more than a dozen highly respected sages control the power of Xumi.

Not only did it not change the country for the better.

Instead, various disasters occurred regardless.

Recalling that before 827, the great sage once said: The current grass god is young and unqualified... He cannot manage Sumeru well at all. We should manage it on our behalf.

At that time, everyone was very proud.

But who would have thought... it would turn out like this?

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