Today, Scarlet breaks out.

The desert swallows the rainforest.

Those friends who ran away ran away, those who left left...

Even the great sage who should never leave.

Now there is no trace.

"It's all our fault... Sage? Humph... We don't deserve to be this sage at all... Are there people from Liyue in the crowd? Can you start the live broadcast...

Don't worry...I have something to announce next.

Xumi can't continue to mess up.

Everything should end..."

Naturally, there was someone from Liyue in the crowd.

Even more than one.

Otherwise, how could these people dare to attack the academy?

Looking at the sage's expression that didn't seem to be fake, an ordinary-looking woman came out and handed a phone bug to the other party.

"I have contacted the superiors. You can say whatever you want...the picture will be forwarded to all places..."

"Thank you..."

The old man smiled faintly.

Looking at the phone bug, he showed a novel expression.

So is this something from the TV station?

It's really amazing.

A snail.

It's a pity that I am not in the mood to study these now.

The old man picked up the phone and started speaking into it.

"I am a sage from the Xumi Order, and I am very ashamed that such a thing happened... There was a story about a descendant of the sage having an affair with the Winter Kingdom, and the other party died to apologize.

terribly sorry.

That person did not die, but hid in the academy and faked his death.

Of course, there is more than just that I want to talk about today..."

(bcfe) "Originally, we sages believed that we had wisdom and could create a better future for Sumeru. Once... when the previous grass god fell. We were ambitious...

The great sage believes that the current Lord Grass God is too young.

Unable to manage Sumeru.

It's up to us to take control...

At that time, no one thought deeply about it. They just felt that doing so would help them show their ambitions... It's hateful, it's all a conspiracy...

How can mortals compare with gods?

I was wrong...many people were wrong...

Mortals...all have selfish motives! ! ! !

Why can gods manage the country? Not only because Lord Grass God is powerful, but also because... Lord Grass God has no selfish motives..."

These words were deafening.

No matter which country it is.

I heard the sage’s explanation.

There is also a feeling of enlightenment.

Take Mondstadt for example.

Master Fengshen is here for everyone, but he doesn’t appear often.

Although chaotic, although not rich.

But there was still no big trouble among the people.

There was no case of abduction or trafficking.

As for Liyue, although it seems to be ruled by humans,... Emperor Yanwang appears every year.

And there are so many immortals.

Who dares to cause trouble?

If someone causes trouble.

He was definitely the one who died.

As for seems to be the same as Sumeru, but in fact...everyone knows that it is only the two major families who cooperate with the Fools.

Once Thor appears.

Everything came to nothing.

This is the greatness of God.

But...what about Xumi?

Scholars do not revere grass gods.

I only know the sages from the Xumi Order.

Growing reputation.

Coupled with the constant suppression by the sages.

Slowly... Ordinary people have little recognition of the Little Lucky Grass King.

But such a thing.

There is a price to pay.

As long as the sages have selfish motives, the unlucky ones will only be ordinary people.

Under the guidance of wise men.

The originally peaceful people became angry again.

Then they rushed into the depths of the academy.

I want to arrest the sage who faked his death.

It's a pity that the other party's descendant is a beast, how can he be willing to be caught.

At this time, a figure appeared in the crowd.

Looking at the insane sage.

The other party said indifferently: "Everyone, please give way... Those who commit crimes will definitely be punished..."

People looked at the tall figure.

Discovered that the other party turned out to be Katakuri!

No one expected it.

When did he appear?

The sage was shocked and said: " did you come here? There is obviously no difference between what I have seen and heard..."

"Hey... seeing and hearing color? That is the power we have researched, and... my master has a better grasp of all powers than anyone else.

Tell you...

Even if you can see the future.

As long as you can suppress your momentum, you can make your actions invisible to others.

This move is called: [Kill with knowledge]! "


Katakuri disappeared.

A knee smash shattered all Sage's struggles.

Powerful sealing power.

Seal all the elemental power in the opponent's body.

The power of the wise.

In fact, she is almost the same as a witch.

However, even the witch...cannot compare to Katakuri.

Because he is getting stronger every day.

After learning that something happened to Xumi.

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