People from all walks of life began to rush towards this direction.

And he is one of the pioneers.

"Leave it to you... Come and investigate the sage's hiding place... I think you will find a lot of interesting things..."

Looking at the sage who fell to the ground.

People finally reacted.

Groups of small and large groups entered the underground palace and started searching.

When the hidden compartment is opened.

The sage on the ground showed a desperate expression.


All is lost.

His secret was exposed.

"Oh my God...what is this? Bones...a chair made of bones? Its name is: jade, this is...the bone of that singer."

"Ugh...Is this person really a sage? He has actually eaten people..."

"Devil...simply a demon..."

A lot of information was exposed.

Sages like to keep diaries.

Especially things that I have done before.

It was recorded one by one.

And that jade bone chair.

This is one of the proudest works.

A hundred years ago there was a singer similar to Nilu.

The other person has a beautiful voice.

The dance is moving.

It's a pity that he disappeared later.

Some people even say that the dancing girl became a dependent of the Grass God.

Don't show it to anyone anymore.

Only now do I understand.

It turns out that the dancer has been killed.

But it is still this sage who is aloof and respected by everyone.

Of course, this is only one aspect.

More letters were unearthed.

People just understand.

Many evil things are caused by the collusion between wise men and fools.

For example, the Grand Hotel in Xumi.

There are his shares.

And where did Mora come from?

Of course, he betrayed the people of Xumi and colluded with the Winter Kingdom.

Those tourists and common people are sold as slaves.

Like remnants in the desert.

But it is very popular in other countries.

Because of race.

When they dance, their waists are as flexible as water snakes.

Of course, this is only part of it.

The most disgusting thing is!

This sage from Sumeru actually used his authority to transfer those precious knowledge.

All sold to Winter Country! ! !

Not for use by locals.

Go and sell it to Winter Country.

What kind of beast could do this?

All this information has been made public.

The sage outside is still giving a speech.

"We are sorry for the people of Xumi and also sorry for the country of Xumi... The position of sage is only suitable for academics and is not suitable for managing the country at all!!!

The great sage and we are all guilty...

However, please rest assured.

This time, we won't make the same mistake again and again...

Nothing can happen to the Scarlet King. At the same time... the people of the Xumi Order listened and all headed to the front line of the rain forest.

Anyone who doesn't go.

The name of scholar will be removed forever.

We will make amends for those who are found guilty.

Will be punished with capital punishment! ! !

The sages who escape will be wanted by Xumi... This is my last request as a sage, and it is also the last thing I can do for Xumi..."

Finished today.

The reputation of Xumi Temple.

It totally stinks.

And sages will also be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

But, he doesn't care...wrong is wrong.

You can’t make the same mistake again and again.

Nothing can happen to Xumi!

When the witches saw this scene, they also sighed one after another.

Who would have thought.

The most virtuous and respected group of people has been corrupted from the root.

Chapter 544 The Scarlet King Demon God completely revived, and Su Han began to mobilize his troops.

The sage takes the initiative to confess his guilt.

Even asked to go to the battlefield.

No one thought of this.

Of course, the most important thing is the sage’s speech.

At the beginning, everyone wanted to make Xumi better.

It's a pity that later on, he was gradually lost in power and lost his true heart.

If humans are greedy.

Not even regulated.

In the world of Teyvat, it would be a disaster.

And now Xumi has suffered the consequences.

The people from the Witch Association sighed deeply when they saw this scene.

"Now that Teacher has made a decision, we can't sit still and wait for death. Let's go... If the desert destroys the rainforest, Xumi will be truly doomed..."

"Let's go too. We have been practicing for many years... just for this day..."

"The Witches' Association exists not only for Sumeru, but also for the rest of the world... If you have family, you can choose to leave... I won't blame you."

The leading woman took off her black hood.

That charming face made people take a breath.

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