A pair of huge eyes.

Slowly born from within.

No... to be precise, these eyes are hidden in the pyramid.

It has only been watched over by the Akabane Sage.

The blood-red eyes were full of teasing and coldness.

"There is still one last thing left... Akabane... Do you want to come and submit to me? You have become a dead soul... It is better not to struggle now and join my embrace...

You will gain true eternity.

I once said...

The world I created is the real world, and you are just ignorant... Welcome to the new era... Just devour this rainforest.

I can transcend everything..."

The Scarlet King's voice echoed across the sky.

And the huge desert began to devour the rainforest crazily.

The power of erosion has more than doubled.

There are cracks in the defense lines.

Chapter 549 Sage Akabane knelt down to ask for support, Su Han faced the Scarlet King

The terrible pressure directly forced the sages back.

Heng Na Lanna today.

It has completely turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Although he is the demon of the desert.

However, the other party's name is the Scarlet King.

Because it will swallow everything.

Looking at the bloody mist coming from the attack.

The sages quickly evacuated.

Until you come to a safe area.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not that sages are afraid of death.

Sending death and saving Sumeru in vain.

But there is a huge difference.

"What should we do now? Are we going to the last ruins... But we don't know the direction..."

"I know..."

The soul of the Akabane Sage flew over, just because of the blow just now.

As a result, her current aura is extremely weak.

The body is a little shaky.

"Senior, how are you? Are you feeling well..."

"Don't worry, I've only been drained of a part of my strength... I can still hold on for the time being. How is Xumi's situation now! Where is Lord Grass God now?

Something like this happened.

Why don’t we see the Grass God and his followers appearing..."

Facing the inquiry of Sage Akabane.

The expressions of the three people were a little embarrassed.

When they tell what happened in recent years.

It immediately caused the other party to become furious.

"You bastards... a group of mere mortals, relying on the relics of the former Grass God, dare to suppress the current Grass God, you are so brave.

If we hadn't actively sought death for Xumi.

It's not your turn to be a sage like you beasts.

You deserve to sit in that position...

Sages... They are the best among the followers of Lord Grass God, the ones who spread wisdom to the common people.

You might as well... collect knowledge and trade it as items.

Ordinary people are not allowed to study.

Huh... You still dare to suppress the Grass God. If there wasn't a powerful enemy right now, I would have slapped you to death..."

She is not angry.

It can be said that he is not angry.

Their sacrifice.

their efforts.

But he made wedding clothes for a group of beasts.

Xumi has been here for five hundred years.

There was no progress at all.

It even caused countless disasters, how angry and disgusting this must be.

Looking at the furious senior.

The three sages lowered their heads.

Dare not say a word.

"Fortunately, the Huachengguo area knows something and knows that it is unreliable... and chose to communicate with other countries. Otherwise... today would be the end of Xumi!"

"But, sir...what should we do..."

"Don't worry... the last pyramid is something he can't break through for the time being. Let's go back first... to find helpers! Otherwise, it's just up to us...

There is no way to defeat this Scarlet King. "

He glanced at the blood-red sea.

Akabane decided to leave to fetch reinforcements.

The last line of defense is not so easy to break through.

Because the guys inside are very strong.

Therefore, she must take advantage of this time.

Get the reinforcements out.

Otherwise, once the seal is opened.

Everything is over.

Su Han and others stayed at the border.

There is no progress.

Instead, wait passively.

There are many monsters in the Scarlet King, and... with the loud noise just now, the strength and intensity of the monsters have increased a lot.

Now the next person to fight.

Also straight up.

At this time, a birdman woman whose whole body was burning with flames came to him.

"You are Mr. Su Han, right? Please help us... There is only one last place left in the desert seal. Once it is broken... the Scarlet King can completely unseal it.

At that time, the defense line will be broken without attack..."

"Who are you?"

"Akabane... the former sage, in order to seal the Scarlet King, we suppressed its power in various places. And the desert is its graveyard...

Now the Great Sage holds the seal of the previous Grass God.

Started to wreak havoc.

My tomb was also opened by his magic.

Now there is only one last thing left...please...I apologize to you on behalf of Xumi for what happened before! "

Akabane wanted to express his sincerity.

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