He knelt directly in front of Su Han on one knee.

And the live broadcast screen was also aimed at her.

The appearance of this red feather sage.

It was clearly seen by the Sumeru people.

The body is like fire.

The upper body is like an eagle.

This is Akabane, who was once known as the Sage of the Sun.

"Oh my god...she's not dead..."

"This is to hide the location. After all...use your own flesh and blood to seal a demon god's tomb. If people find out...I'm afraid it will cause a lot of disasters..."

"That's right...it's a pity...the sage behind him took the wrong path..."

Looking at Akabane who was kneeling down.

Su Han said to him: "Get up first... I'm here just to save Xumi. The Scarlet King can't overthrow the sky... Even if it is born, it will be fine..."

"No...this is different. The war in Kanria happened in Hengnarana. The body of the Scarlet King and the bodies of those monsters were actually there...

Once the other party unblocks it.

Will directly swallow those powerful corpses...

I know you master Mondstadt, so you must have come into contact with the dragon Durin, right?

A dark beast like that.

Heng Na Lanna has three! "

"What did you say?"

Su Han was startled.

What are you doing?

Where did the war in Kanria break out?

But if you think about it carefully, it's quite normal.

Experienced the Scarlet King.

You certainly don’t want monsters from the abyss attacking the rainforest.

The desert is the best battlefield.

Think of this.

Su Han said to everyone: "The defense line is left to you mages... Soldiers will come later, and the others will follow me deep into the desert...

Remember...not a single creature is allowed to come through. "


Military orders are like mountains.

Countless people took action.

Guoba also followed him deep into the desert.

The closer you get to Hennalana.

The more monsters there are.

There are even mechanical products that have been transformed into flesh and blood.

However, facing Su Han's army.

These guys are totally vulnerable.

It will be destroyed in just a short while.

At this time, a huge mechanical snake appeared from the bottom of the desert.

Hundreds of meters high.

The body is covered with blood-red tentacles.

Needless to say.

This guy is definitely controlled by the Scarlet King.

Su Han wanted to pull out the Sun Sword and cut this guy directly, but... the sword lady couldn't help but fly out.

"Master...Master...Lemonia fights for you. You haven't fought with me for a long time..."

"Let me do it this time, you're such a delicious guy..."

"Lemonia really wants to eat it..."

The red feather sage standing next to Su Han.

Looking at the blood demon sword, it showed a strange expression.

Why does this sword give her the feeling that it doesn't have the same aura as the Scarlet King?

They are all blood attributes.

And... the smell is similar, what on earth is going on?

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Su Han smiled at Lemonia and said, "Okay...but this guy is a machine, can you eat it?"

"Of course, you have to watch carefully...Lemonia is your weapon and can overcome obstacles for you..."

The sword girl flew directly towards the giant mechanical snake.

At the moment of getting closer.

Lemonia slashed with her sword.

No need for Su Han to operate.

The giant mechanical snake was dismembered with just one sword strike.

The blood-red sword energy greedily absorbed the power.

"Ah...it's so delicious. It turns out to be the same power as me. Master...this is so wonderful. Can you let me stay by your side?"

"Lemonia is full and can continue to fight for you..."

Looking at the excited sword girl.

Su Han smiled and said: "Okay...but you have to be careful in the next battle. The enemy is not easy..."

"Yes, my master..."

Can keep fighting.

For Lemonia.

Simply awesome.

Finally, as Su Han approached.

They came to the edge of the blood-red martial mist.

Various blood-red plants and disgusting living tentacles have appeared here.

........ .. ........

Su Han asked Akabane: "Where is the final seal?"

"Underground! The core of the Scarlet King is sealed... The people inside are also the most powerful among us, the former dependents of the Grass God... Please come with me...

Although I believe in that dependent.

But...it can't last long.

Because of these vines.

This is the other party’s strength..."

Akabane said in a low tone.

Dependents of the Grass God.

Be the one who controls the vines and plant battles.

Now that the vines are corroded, it means that the other party can no longer hold on.

Su Han nodded, held Lemonia in his hand, and slashed towards the ground.

The violent sword energy tore through the desert.

Under that yellow sand.

A huge hollow appeared in front of everyone.

Only countless tentacles were seen.

Wrap that pyramid.

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