However, the green light firmly protects the last fortress.

But the vines nearby were slowly corroded.

Su Han put Lemonia down and then took out the Sun Sword.


It seems that I don’t need myself.

Lemonia suddenly felt aggrieved.

But Su Han held the Sunlight Sword in his hand and said: "You and its attributes have the same origin... It is not suitable to use it now, please be quiet... The battle is about to begin!!!


Nuwa's spiritual energy imbues the fairy sword.

The light of the huge sun converges into the sword body.

With infinite momentum, it bombarded directly towards the pyramid.

All the tentacles disappeared in that moment.

The dense fog nearby condensed a human face.

"Are you the one who prevents me from devouring the rainforest? are so brave..."

"Kid? You mean me... I'm sorry, I'm not a kid either..."

Su Han slashed with his sword again.

The sword energy is everywhere.

Directly protect the pyramid.

The meaning is obvious.

Want to break the seal.

Then come and defeat him.

This move also angered the Scarlet King.

A crimson tentacle broke through the space and stabbed directly towards Su Han's neck.

However, Lemonia cut her off before she even got close.

"Don't even think about hurting my master, you ugly monster..."

I saw someone dare to make a sneak attack.

The sword girl was furious.

Because this is her favorite master, Guang.

Chapter 550 The Scarlet King fully recovers, Lei Movie: What do you want to do to my man?

"Huh? The same are also a blood type..."

"Hey... woman, do you want to follow me... If the two of us cooperate, we can devour everything in the world..."

"You also want to devour everything, right?"

An invitation to face the Scarlet King.

The sages became nervous.

They don't know Lemonia, and naturally they don't know that she will never betray her.

On the contrary, if it is a guy with the same attributes.

There is a certain probability that you will be tempted.

In the end, Lemonia proved herself through actions.

A blood-red sword energy struck directly at the tentacle in the distance.

The scope is huge.

Covering a full kilometer.

Although it is the same properties.

However, Lemonia belongs to the Shadow Realm of the higher world.

He was nurtured by Emperor Denathrius for countless years.

The strength is very powerful and terrifying.

The Scarlet King has yet to be unlocked.

Countless tentacles were cut off at once.

Even the desert was swept away.

"You actually want me to betray my master? Damn you guy... you know what you are talking about... My love for my master will not change even if the world decays..."

"Even if the master wants to break me, it is for my own good..."

"Die to me...die to me..."

The arrogant sword girl went crazy.


The sword energy kept slashing.

The blood mist that suppressed the Scarlet King for a while dissipated a lot.

The sage next to him swallowed, and sure enough... people are perverted... and so are their weapons.

This weapon is extremely loyal.

I'm afraid that my wife is not as crazy as others.

The Scarlet King was angry with Lemonia.

A large number of tentacles and blood mist rushed towards her.

However, he was suppressed by Su Han with the Sun Sword.

"Be careful not to get penetrated...especially Li careful not to be swallowed up!"


Su Han looked at the last suspended pyramid.

I want to go in and find out.

But Akabane said from the side: "You can't get in without a key... And even if you have a key, you can't get in by the last staircase!!! This is to completely seal the Scarlet King.

Therefore, we just need to be on guard to prevent the Scarlet King from getting close! "


Su Han frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

But what exactly.

He couldn't remember it for a while.

I just feel it in my heart.

Something seems to be missing.

At this time, Beidou next to him asked: "Why didn't you see the great sage?"

Just this sentence.

Su Han's expression suddenly changed, and he ignored Akabane and rushed towards the pyramid.

"What's wrong?"

Beidou quickly followed.

And he returned: "I was fooled... This is the Scarlet King's plan. The blood mist is just the opponent's power... and those enemies are just things that have been conquered by the opponent's power.

The real Scarlet King is basically in the body of the Great Sage.

Do you think those tentacles are power?

No...they are just things from the battle in Kanria..."

"What? So that's what it is!!!"

Beidou remembered what Akabane said.

He woke up instantly.

Indeed, if you put all your power into the body of the great sage.

You can directly enter the interior of the pyramid.

There are risks in doing this.

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