Once the great sage is sealed.

The Scarlet King will be blocked.

Therefore, the other party created the illusion that he had not unblocked it from the beginning.

This keeps the body moving.

Moreover, when it was sealed.

The Scarlet King probably thought of this method.

The last layer of seal.

Definitely the hardest to crack.

So, it chose this method.


The interior of the pyramid.

The great sage's body was on the verge of collapse, and countless blood-red mist was continuously emitted from his body.

Not far in front of him.

Kneeling was a man who looked like Malfurion.

"Ahem... I didn't expect that you would take such an approach... You are really careless!"

On his chest.

A bloody crack bloomed.

It was this fatal wound.

That made him lose control of the plant.

"You should understand my character... Moreover, does that woman, the former God of Grass, really think that I would not think that the strongest seals are concentrated in this pyramid?

What she was thinking about was...if one day.

I broke the seal.

You can use this pyramid as a bait and keep attacking me... Is this how you prepare it?

What a pity...I thought of it a long time ago! "


The cracks are constantly widening.

The Scarlet King controlled the Great Sage's body and walked towards him.

He pinched the opponent's neck with his fingers and dragged him up easily.


I didn't even see the Scarlet King do anything.

This grass god's retinue hit the seal.

The soul body was even darker.

"You are really brave to put my core here... But, it's all over... Marcusius outside does have some strength.

Unfortunately, it is far different from me.

As soon as I resuscitate...it's the first food! "

Along with the blood-red energy eroding this final seal.

The descendants of the Grass God also turned into countless fragments in the blood.

At that last moment.

His eyes were very calm, as if he was remembering his former Grass God.

"It's a pity, my lord...I couldn't protect you..."




The sound of explosions kept coming from the rock formations behind him.

Accompanied by a purple light.

One side of the pyramid.

It was cut into pieces.

Su Han rushed in with Beidou.

I saw that the great sage had fallen to the ground.

And the descendants of the Grass God.

It's almost time to burp.

The soul is already full of cracks.

Su Han flew in front of the opponent, pouring the power of life into him.

Temporarily stabilize the other party's situation.

"Hurry... The Scarlet King is inside, she is going to be resurrected..."

"I know!"

Su Han continued to inject power, feeling that the other party would not perish.

Then the soul was put into the soul box of the locust tree.

At this time, a terrifying scarlet storm came from inside.

The pyramid also began to officially disintegrate.

The entire sky in Hengnaranna turned into blood.

The Scarlet King is back!


Huge beams of light pierced the clouds.

Countless bloody fogs flew quickly towards the inside of the pyramid.

Su Hanjian was already late.

He pulled Beidou and teleported out.

And all the creatures in the entire desert.

They all felt a terrifying devouring force.

Su Han said to Akabane: "Stay back... I guess you won't be able to get involved in the next battle... Leave those subordinates to you, I will deal with the Scarlet King..."

"How can you do it without the Immortal Killing Sword Diagram?"

Faced with Beidou's inquiry.

Su Han smiled and said: "At worst, summoning the Xuanyuan Sword..."

The Scarlet King is awesome...

Can Xuanyuan Sword be awesome?

And...don't forget!

He also has Nuwa's... How terrifying must a Nuwa whose strength has returned to 80% be?

You can probably kill this guy easily.

That's why Su Han felt confident.

He just finished speaking.

The endless storm has begun to gather.

The terrifying devouring power further increased.

There was even a blood moon in the desert sky.

Countless rains of blood continued to fall from the sky.

"I... was finally reborn..."

"Across a long time..."

"Finally I have reached the other side of my ideal. All my former enemies have passed away... No one can resist me now..."

The bloody mist slowly dissipated.

Under that weird moonlight.

It turned out to be a tall woman, her whole body was blood red, similar to Lemonia's clothes.

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