However, the other party's clothes.

It's the same as Nelu.

With desert styling.

On her feet is a pair of crystal clear shoes.

The other person muttered to himself.

And his eyes looked at Su Han faintly.

The Scarlet King stretched out a finger.

No action was seen.

Su Han unsheathed his sword and struck directly.

No one reacted.

A huge shock wave erupted in the desert.

Range covers hundreds of meters.

Even Huangsha was forced to retreat.

"Oh? The strength is very good... Some things, a guy like you, if given a period of time, can become a god... But it's a pity...

I'm short of food...

Be my nourishment! "

Countless blood-red tentacles attacked Su Han from all directions.

One thousand three hundred and forty-eight.

At that moment, he felt all the attacks.

Nuwa's spiritual power is moving.

The Sun Sword in his hand burst out with astonishing light.

"Dragon Dance·Slash..."

The whirlpool sword energy shredded all the tentacles.

And Su Han also disappeared in place.

When he appeared, he was already in front of the Scarlet King.

The Sun Yao Sword burst out with astonishing power.

Countless brilliant sword energies.

Attacking the Scarlet King from all directions.

"Weak attacks... Your weapons are indeed very good, but the 5.4 strength is still a little bit behind, but... ordinary demons really can't beat you...

How about becoming my slave? "

A strange bloody scimitar.

All sword energy was dissolved in an instant.

He even grabbed Su Han's neck.

The movements are incredibly fast.

Even Su Han's knowledge and appearance failed to capture the other party.

The scent locks in perfectly.

A move similar to the one that kills by sight.

Is this the power of the ancient demon god?

Su Han didn't dare to think too much. One move wouldn't work... he continued to change. In order to increase his strength, he even transformed into a dragon.

However, even so, it still cannot effectively suppress the opponent.

The two sides fought dozens of times.

The Scarlet King became impatient because her men were also killed in large numbers.

Ever since, the ancient demon god pulled something out of the desert and swallowed it into his body.

The strength increased instantly.

Su Han was just about to use a formation to trap the opponent.

As a result, it was cut with a knife.

All moves are destroyed.

"No, it's troublesome..."

The blood-red scimitar reached Su Han's neck.

Just when he wanted to summon Xuanyuan Sword.

A thunderclap sounded.


The bloody scimitar was grasped by a palm.

"Hey...what do you want to do to my man?"

Ray movie debut.

Chapter 551 The power of two swords combined, the Scarlet King is penetrated by Xuanyuan Holy Sword



The blood-red blade shook twice but failed to break free from Lei Shiqiang's hand.

"Let me ask you have any problem with my man?"

A cold voice.

As the thunder exploded in the sky.

Ray's movie debut.


The blood color of the Scarlet King also spread with the thunder.

The entire desert.

It became a battlefield between the two gods.

The two forces continue to impact.

There is no distinction between top and bottom.

"Hmph... Inazuma's God of Thunder... I remember you have a sister, right? She seems to be dead..."

"I'm sorry, my sister has been resurrected... And, I know your power is a little stronger than mine... But, we are one as husband and wife.

Enough to kill this evil spirit like you!

Su Han...two swords combined! "


Sunlight and moonlight.

Shine brightly at the same time.

Husband and wife are of one mind.

The powerful spiritual energy directly destroyed the entire sky.

And the bloody fog was gradually pressing over.

It was directly torn apart by a mixed sword energy.

Yin and Yang.

The power that created the world!

The Scarlet King did not expect that there would be two people weaker than him.

It can actually break your own aura.

Between heaven and earth.

The Su Han and Lei movies have disappeared.


It is the fusion of Yin and Yang.

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