The wedding dress is beautiful.

However, it is still very troublesome to pack up.

Ningguang did not choose to put the wedding dress in the Chensong pot, but put it in her own personal space accessories.

For her.

This is the most precious gift.

There must be no loss.

When Ning Guang appeared in front of everyone, her aristocratic appearance as a new woman made countless people look at her.

She became more beautiful.

It is also more attractive.

Chapter 569 The truth about the Dark Tower of the Witches, Dadalia wants a flying sword

have to say.

The current Ningguang is more beautiful than before.

If I were a beautiful royal sister before.

So, now it’s time to give people a feeling.



It can even be said that Queen...a title of this level.

The temperament is improved to a higher level.

"See Lord Ningguang..."

"Well... let's go. We've been delayed for a while today. I hope the members of the Witches' Association won't be in a hurry."

"Sir, don't worry, Miss Baiwen has already conveyed Mr. Su Han's intention..."

"This is different, today's things... must be done today."


The attitude towards Ningguang.

These secretaries had no choice but to obey.

About five minutes later.

Members of the Witch Club met Ningguang himself.

And, he quickly stepped forward to hold talks.

"Hello Lord Ningguang... I heard that you were delayed on something, so... I thought I needed to wait until the afternoon..."

"Nothing... let's start talking. You should have been in contact with Lisa and Rosalin before. What do you think about it now?"

faced her inquiry.

Dorian, one of the members of the Witches' Guild, said: "We are willing to completely seal the power of the Witches' Guild... From today on, no witches and this power will appear...

And we will also be the last witches.

So good? "

The witch's power has serious side effects.

Stealing power from outside the void, the load on the body increases day by day.

It won't be long before he collapses.

Therefore, for the safety of Xumi.

Ning Guang intends to completely block this power.

The price is that she will give the other party the power of fairy magic, and allow the people of the Witch Association to go to the World Tree to practice.

It has the essence of the world tree.

Plus the aura of the treasure.

Repairing physical wounds is a piece of cake.

At the same time, the current witch will also join the Arcane Throne.

Serve as a mentor there.

You can choose the right person to be your successor.

In this way, there is no need to worry that Xumi will have no successor.

And Ningguang is here to negotiate.

He wanted to confirm with his own eyes that the ancient treasures in the Witches' Guild were destroyed.

That is something that steals the power of the void.

If it continues to exist.

Witches will be born continuously.

If it is confirmed that Liyue has the power to eliminate side effects, then it is very likely that the witch will choose to lie.

But... Rosalind and Lisa both expressed it.

This device that steals the power of the void.

It shouldn't exist at all.

After reaching an agreement.

Ning Guang followed the members of the Witch Club to their base camp.

The tower of darkness hangs upside down.

What appears to be a magic tower is actually just an illusion, a real tower of darkness hanging upside down.

It is a mysterious building located underground.

Ningguang took Bai Xiao and other secretaries, followed Duo Lian, and kept moving forward downwards.

Through that fluorescent wall.

Ning Guang saw a lot of strange free energy outside the Dark Tower.

Feel the breath coming from those powers.

She couldn't help but frown and said: "This tower of darkness...couldn't it be built in the abyss..."

"You guessed half of it right... The upside-down Tower of Darkness is at the center of the world of Teyvat and the Abyss. It is precisely because of this that the power of the void can be stolen.

The first generation witch was in a certain alchemy experiment.

Found the power here.

Thus, the first generation of Witches was born, and by the way... there is a character you may be very familiar with.

She is the elder of our Witches Association.

Miss Alice..."

"Yes, I am very familiar with it...but I have only seen it a few times..."

Before Su Han came to Liyue.

Alice had appeared before.

It even caused her a lot of trouble.

She is a very loud woman.

It was precisely because of the special status of the other party that she chose to sell that woman to save face.

Dorian said with a smile on her face: "Actually... after Miss Rosalin left, our equipment here has not been used for a long time. The newly born witch...

There are only three people in total.

It's better to block this place now.

However, let me show you a little bit first..."


Go past the spiral staircase.

Ningguang and others quickly arrived at the bottom.

This is a large library.

But it's upside down.

So does gravity.

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