So after coming here, it is equivalent to coming to the top.

The roof is almost transparent.

So you can see some scenes of the abyss.

Because of the existence of the magic circle, some monsters in the distance can't get close at all, but... they can do it from here.

Many abyssal biological activities.

For example, the Beastland Hound that attacked Liyue several times.

You can see it everywhere here.

Ning Guang observed for a while, then followed Duo Lian to the central room of the Dark Tower.

There are more seals here.

At the same time, various instruments are also placed inside.

Just like a medical laboratory.

Dorian pointed to the dark throne and said: "Those who are qualified to become witches only need to sit in this position to perform the ritual...

Through our throne.

Can transplant the void power suitable for you into the body..."

"I'm afraid things are not as simple as you said, right?"

"Yes... there are many processes required. The first is to determine the elemental attributes that suit you, and the second is to capture the power in the void that suits you...

The cycle is about three months.

The transplant is very simple... I think it only took a month for senior Rosalin to fuse successfully.

The strength is terrifying...but so is the cost.

I am the power transplanted two hundred years ago.

Now my body can no longer bear it anymore.

This is still a situation where I rarely use my strength..."

Dorian unbuttoned her clothes.

Show your back to Ning Guang.

I saw that my back, which should have been smooth, was now filled with strange blue lines, and flashed with lightning from time to time.

It looks strangely beautiful.

However, Ningguang frowned and said, "Aren't you... very dangerous?"

"Well, you are right... Every time I use my power, the azure sound thunder will swallow my skin, and when it completely spreads to the entire back.

It’s time for me to be devoured…”

Hear Dorian's explanation.

Bai Xiao wondered: "Such a big side effect? ​​Why do you want to try it..."

"It's a long story... I was originally from Fontaine, but was hunted down... After escaping to Xumi, in order to take revenge... I chose to join the Witches' Guild.

Fortunately, I passed all the tests...

In the end, he also gets his revenge.

However, the witch's power is really too dangerous... In addition to Miss Alice, there are several elders who can control it perfectly.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

The rest of us will suffer the backlash.

So Miss Ningguang, don't be afraid that we will be obedient... The device with the witch's power will be shut down very early.

It’s just that the sages and Sumeru look like this.

If we give up the power of the witch... I'm afraid there will be no chance to save this country... I no longer have a home, and Xumi is my final destination..."

Duo Lian's identity has some twists and turns.

In fact, every witch looks similar.

After the war in Kanria.

Rarely are ordinary witches born.

Ningguang nodded and said: "Then seal it... This place is too dangerous. Once it continues to exist, it is likely to become a breakthrough in the abyss... Inazuma, Mond...

And Liyue.

All have been invaded by the Abyss.

Therefore, we eliminate all crises..."


Dorian nodded.

Said he would cooperate with her.

Ningguang quickly took out the sealing magic weapon.

Stab it on the throne.

The treasure that had existed for hundreds of years was instantly shrouded in countless golden lights, and then began to slowly break.

Visible through the roof.

........ .... ...

Those fragments were swallowed up by the abyss.

No more witches will appear in the future, and this place will be completely sealed.

Until it is determined that the Dark Tower is completely blocked.

Ning Guang then left.

Duo Lian and others gained the qualification to go to the World Tree.

With the token, you can go to the World Tree to recuperate.

And there is no such token.

If you go there privately, you will be attacked by the Uzumaki Demon God.

Who dares to come to death?

Moving forward in a small boat.

Duo Lian waited and looked at the World Tree with a longing expression.

"It's going to be a whole new life from now on... It's really great to be able to completely get rid of the body's backlash..."

Hearing this, other people also expressed their own emotions.

At this time, on the other side, in a rain forest in Xumi.

Arecino and Dadalia.

After the men who were training the Fools publicly betrayed.

The two of them stayed in Xumi to train.

Resources will be continuously supplied.

And what they have to do is train these people to be stronger.

"Speaking of which... when can we return to Liyue? We have already betrayed the Winter Kingdom... No matter what, we must give it some sweetness."

"Idiot...haven't these techniques been given to us? What else do you want..."

"But it looks like a mass product. I want to get a flying sword so that I can meet the flying sword like you... Demon King's Arms. Whoever uses it is an idiot..."

Use Demon King Arms.

You can indeed gain great power.

However, the damage done to God is only temporary.

Now they have all joined Su Han's camp.

You have to give someone to support the scene no matter what.

Arecino originally wanted to retaliate, but unexpectedly news came from the All Heavens mission group.

All elite levels exist.

You can choose to build your own weapon.

So, she said to Dadalia: "We can go back this afternoon... Everyone at the elite level can get a specially made weapon.

If you want flying swords.

It can be made directly by monster craftsmen.

That's a famous craftsman...

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