I just don’t know what happened to Qin today, so we’ll spar after the wedding.

Now we have candlelight dinner.

Helpless, he could only accompany him.

After all, today is a festive day.

The two of them did not eat in this Chensong Pot, but chose Qin's Chensong Pot.

The other party's pot.

It is an island scenery.

There is a small villa by the sea.

The time is adjusted to night.

Don't have any style.

But after two glasses of wine, Su Han couldn't bear it anymore and started to get drunk.

"Honey, are you full? I drank too much... let's rest..."

"When you're full, let me take a shower first..."

"Let's go together then. It's been a long time since we had a mandarin duck bath..."


Wash halfway through.

Qin then left.

But Su Han thought that the other party wanted to dress up.

Didn't say anything.

Only after I came out did I realize that the lights were dim.

A figure was lying on the bed.

"Wife? Why did you turn off the light..."

"Because I'm shy. Didn't I agree that today is the wedding day..."

"Oh oh oh...ok."

Anyway, whatever you say is what it is.

I listen to you today.

Su Han walked towards the bed in a daze.

Not found at all.

The other party's voice was a little strange.

Chapter 571 The thirty-ninth mission refresh! Do you want me to bring King Da Mao back to you?

The next morning.

Su Han looked at the woman in his arms, his face full of shock and astonishment.

Yesterday, if I remembered correctly.

It should be Qin.

Why has it become Lisa now?

Moreover, the other party was wearing a lavender wedding dress.

His face was even beautifully dressed.

The body is being wrapped.

He is confused now.

What's going on?

Just when Su Han didn't know what happened.

He saw the message from Jean.

That is, within the All Heavens mission group.

A message sent by the other party.

[You will definitely see this message when you wake up. Don’t be shocked...and don’t think why this is happening. Lisa is my good friend.

Stayed with me for a very long time.

Don't look at her, she always likes to tease people.

In fact, Lisa's character is inclined to be a top academic but a little emotionally hesitant.

You have been very busy recently, so naturally you have ignored Lisa's feelings... She looked at Ningguang's bold efforts and didn't know what to do.

So you can only ask me for help...

I can't express my feelings, and I'm afraid of embarrassment... so I chose this method. If you want to blame... just come and do it! 】

I finished reading Qin’s message.

Su Han suddenly figured out that recently Lisa saw that she was always hesitant to speak.

And the day before yesterday.

Shen He also told himself.

Is Lisa worried about something lately? It seems like her eyes always fall on him.

How many times have I hesitated to speak.

So that's it.

Looking back, both parties have known each other for a long time.

Comes with a series of tasks.

As for getting along with each other, the flirtatious mature 12-year-old sister at the beginning gradually became speechless.

He could only look at himself silently.

So condensed.

So does Lisa.

It seems that when you are dealing with official business, you should pay more attention to the people around you.

Lisa can be forced to choose this method of substituting one thing for another.

It’s really not easy.

It can even be said that...she has no other choice.

But...if you think about it from your own perspective.

The other party only needs to say a few words.

You can figure it out yourself.

Even take the initiative to improve the current situation.

It can only be said that the authorities are confused by the onlookers.

Looking at the woman who is pretending to sleep.

Su Han held the other party in his arms and said softly: "I'm sorry for you...Lisa, actually...I like you very much, but...because I acted too much...

So what is impeccable?

That makes me always want to respect your choice, even when I don’t know what to do.

I feel guilty when facing Qin, so I have always thought about how..."

While he was explaining.

The woman in my arms interrupted: "Don't say you're sorry... This is my choice. I can't let you feel my feelings. I was wrong in the first place..."

Lisa opened her eyes.

The little hands grasped each other's palms.

Get what you want.

She now also understands how ridiculous she was some time ago.

Obviously I admire him in my heart.

He obviously already acquiesced in his heart.

However, he did not express his opinion.

Do you want the other party to guess?

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