The other party respects you, but the relationship cannot advance.

How embarrassing this is.

If it weren't for Qin's method.

I'm afraid I'll still be embarrassed like that.

Want to be close.

But due to the opacity of identity.

But without getting close, he could only watch other little hooves twisting around Su Han.

I am very jealous.

It's really...hard to put into words.

Recalling the acquaintance of two people.

The first thing was the intelligence collected by Lisa, which contained all the information about Su Han.

A young man who was born in the Rebirth Hall.

But it became Liyue's national treasure.

Can it even influence the direction of the country?

This... is really incredible.

Of course, the most shocking thing is Su Han's legendary experience.

A person who doesn't know how to fight.

But it can defeat fools repeatedly.

This made her very admired.

Subsequently, the Wind Demon Dragon attacked several times, but Su Han was defeated every time.

It's not that she doesn't want to join the fight.

It's because of his physical condition that he doesn't allow himself to participate in the battle at all.

If the fight continues.

Then, your body is likely to collapse.

This made Lisa blame herself very much.

She clearly knew that Qin was in a difficult situation.

But there was nothing I could do to help.

Later, when the other party defeated the Uzumaki Demon God, this incident was announced.

There was only shock and disbelief in Lisa's eyes.

The more you understand.

The more shocked my heart becomes.

Until the brain drain.

Only then did she realize how scary Su Han was.

With hard work again and again.

The other person slowly walked into his heart.

However, the development of things always exceeds everyone's expectations.

To make Mondstadt a better place.

Jean simply sacrificed herself.

I thought I was feeding a tiger with my body.

However, his best friend actually became happy.

Simply incredible!

And what happened next was even more unexpected to her.

Barbatos, the god of wind, appointed Su Han as pope.

It was only then that Lisa learned what Su Han's true hidden strength was.

The other party can actually go to another world.

And this kind of power is simply too terrifying.

Unimaginably powerful.


Lisa's interest in Su Han is growing day by day.

Until the other party repairs his body.

The genius of the Xumi Order was finally sure that he had fallen.

I thought that both parties had developed slowly.

We will continue to move towards a better world.

The result was dumbfounding.

The Inazuma incident broke out.

Su Han was forced to stay.

At that time, Lisa felt that fate was pushing Su Han forward.

It was yesterday that she finally figured it out.

Happiness is achieved by oneself.

If you don't fight for it.

Then, happiness will go away.

Thinking that one day, Su Han would have no place for himself.

How tragic that would be.

It is precisely based on this situation.

Lisa agreed with Jean's absurd suggestion.

But now she is happy and satisfied.

Facing such a considerate woman, what could Su Han say.

"Thank love..."

"Well... let's get up too, how about... be careful and you will be lectured by Ningguang again. We have a mission today. Don't forget..."


Su Han was about to get up.

And Lisa is trying too.


The two of them slowly got up separately.

Lisa flashed and ran away.

Don't give him a chance to watch at all.

Su Han scratched his head and said, "It's not my's all your fault..."

The next words were not finished.

A snowball was stuffed into his mouth.

A shameful Lisa.

Don't want to be teased.

It's simply too disdainful.

If you get it, you won’t appreciate it.

Su Han was thinking with aggrieved face.

About twenty minutes later.

The two people arrived at Qunyu Pavilion, but Ningguang has not returned yet.

However, Baiwen faithfully told everything that happened yesterday.

"It's a good thing that the witch will be banned, um... As for the matter of Xumi, we need to do it slowly... For the flower god's birthday festival, everyone will give some plans..."

“The Flower God’s Birthday Festival in Xumi is mainly to celebrate the greatness of the gods, but also to praise the people...According to historical records, there is no special food to eat.

Different from Liyue.

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