The curse was indeed activated.

It's a pity that the other party didn't feel anything.

what is this?

Diarmuid Odina's head was filled with questions.

Then his neck was pinched.

"Hey... you seem to have not understood (bcfe) a bit. I am not a so-called heroic spirit... but... the Scarlet Demon God!!!"

" could you..."

What did he hear?

Demon God?

Countless scarlet powers were robbing him of his vitality.

The Master of Diarmuid Odina, the farthest place, burst out with angry curses.

"Fuck...what the hell is going on???"

Kenneth from Clock Tower was very angry.

He couldn't control Diarmuid Odina to come back.

Even a recall order could not be issued.

If you don't call the opponent back.

Then I will withdraw from the Holy Grail War.

what is this?

Why is this? ! !

Kenneth was extremely crazy, and soon... the command spell in his hand began to slowly dissipate.


The genius magician sat helplessly on the ground.

He was actually eliminated at the beginning of the Holy Grail War.

Just hilarious.


The scene of the battle.

The Scarlet King swallowed up the power of the wall and all the magic power, feeling very happy inside.

The surrounding blood-red field.

It also broke.

She turned around and smiled lightly at the trembling woman.

He left soon.

Irisviel asked: "Why doesn't she... attack us? Is it because she doesn't have enough strength..."

"No...the opponent is very powerful. As for why they don't attack...I'm not sure."

The stupid king shook his head.

She could feel that the other party was an extremely evil existence.

But why would you give up fighting yourself?

Artoria couldn't understand, but...she knew in her heart that as long as the other party was willing.

You may not win on your own.

Hunted a heroic spirit.

At this time, Pandora's heart was boiling.

The murderous intention was almost uncontrollable.

There are many humans in this city. If you spread your power, you will definitely have a feast.

"But... we can't do this... otherwise, that smelly guy will be angry... I have to endure it..."

Finally, she found a quiet place and sat down slowly.

Calm down the bloodthirsty desire in your heart.

When you are full, you should calm down.

Otherwise, that guy Su Han will punish himself.


When the first Master was eliminated, Mona also took action.

Her goals are very clear.

The first stop was to arrive at Tosaka Tokiomi's home.

At this time, a girl was standing in front of the window.

She missed her departed sister very much, although she didn't know where her sister had gone.

However, I always have a bad feeling in my heart.

Oh no!

Accompanied by water splashes.

Mona appeared in front of the girl.

"You...who are you?"

"My... name is Mona, and I am a magician from the stars. Do you want to go to another world with me? It can reunite you with your sister and mother..."


I heard that I could be reunited with my family.

Tohsaka Rin showed an excited expression.

And Mona said: "You go to sleep first, we will reunite you with your family soon..."

Magic blooms.

Tohsaka Rin completely fainted.

The first goal is achieved!

Next, it’s the Matou family... I hope I can’t make it in time!

Mona is very fast.

Probably only about twenty minutes.

We arrived at Matou's house.

But before he could get inside, he was blocked by countless bugs.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my mansion..."

"I...Where is the person who took your life? Tideland...Open!!!"

Deal with this old bug.

Mona didn't leave any room at all.

Taking action is domain magic.

Directly turning this area into a land of waves.

At the same time, the giant water elemental begins to fight.

And in her hand, there was also a powerful move that surpassed the Hard Vortex Water Blade.

Feel the horror of its magic.

Matou Zangyan said in shock: "In this can there be an existence like you? This is impossible..."

The amount of magic power stored is amazing.

And...this is a power beyond magic!

Some people may think that Matou Zouken is very powerful.

However, don't forget... Mona's current strength surpasses that of an immortal! ! !

"Under the waves, it will be completely destroyed...old bug!!"

For those who have lost their humanity.

Mona is the most annoying.

Seeing the landing attack, the old insect naturally didn't want to die.

His resistance to separation.

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