In an instant, almost tens of thousands of bugs burst out from the body.

However, in the surging tide.

All turned into powder.

The power is not on the same level at all.

When the tide ends.

The neighborhood has turned into a piece of Wangyang.

But Matou Zangyan was completely turned into powder and strangled to death.

Because of the flood.

Nearby buildings were also damaged.

This place among the three imperial families has turned into ruins and history.

And now Matou Kariya, who was fighting outside, had no idea what was going on.

Nor did he know that his family was perishing.

Mona put away her magic power and explored the mansion, and soon found the girl lying among the insects.

"What an evil beast..."

Her eyes moved slightly.

Countless waves of water killed all the insects.

However, thankfully the timeline of this world has changed.

The girl was just let in this morning.

Didn't receive much torture.

But even so.

It also caused her great pain.

Now his whole expression is very numb.

Until he was picked up by Mona.

Tohsaka Sakura began to cry bitterly.

"I don't want bugs...I don't want bugs..."

"Please, I really don't want bugs...I'm so scared..."

A child of only a few years old.

He was thrown into countless insects.

How much harm would this cause her.

Mona was unimaginable.

However, after being saved by himself.

This child should be happy.

Mona reached out and touched the girl's face, and smiled: "Don't be afraid... my sister will pick you up and leave, and you won't be hurt in any way... and no one will hurt you...

let's go..."


Hear the gentle voice of a strange sister.

The girl Sakura slowly fell asleep.

It wasn't that she didn't want to sleep before, but the bugs were constantly hurting her.

Even if you want to fall into coma.

Now that I have been saved, my tense spirit can no longer bear it.

I fell asleep directly.

Mona looked at the dilapidated mansion, and the water continued to flicker, completely annihilating a little beast inside.

Old things are not toys.

The little thing isn't even a human being.

They are all beastly things.

After leaving the mansion, Mona glanced at the clock.

Just two hours had passed.

"Time is of the essence...I still have a lot to do...".

Chapter 574 The second master who was killed, Nasida, the Grass God, fights against the Conquering King

Kill the Matou family.

Save two magic geniuses.

This is what Mona needs to do, and of course... she has to do other things next.

After all, it’s not easy to do it once.

Better to take some of the genius away.

For example, Illya!

However, he wanted to break through the opponent's family's defensive front.

But it's not that easy.

Mona took a deep breath and moved faster.

At the same time, on the other side, the first Master - was eliminated.

Nasida also came to a house.

"There is a strong smell of blood floating in the air..."

"He is indeed a bad person..."

Nacida took out her scepter, and countless green lights slowly appeared, covering the entire area of ​​1,000 meters nearby.

Then comes the Emerald Dream.


inside the room.

Gil de Rey was enjoying a delicious meal, and the ground was full of blood and fishy smell.

"'re really not afraid of me...hehehehehe..."

"Of course I won't be afraid. I am someone who faces death. You are the artist..."

"Huh? Artist... hoo hoo hoo hoo... Yes, I am the most exquisite artist... If you were in my era, we would definitely become good friends!"

Two evil but not evil people burst into laughter at the same time.

However, the dead bones on the ground proved the tragedy that had just occurred.

Six people had died in the room in just two hours.

And those withered bones gradually disappeared.

Just when Gil de Rey was about to leave with his master, countless green lights came, and the original room turned into a piece of green grass.

"Inherent barrier? Not enemy is coming..."

As a magician.

He noticed something was wrong immediately.

It's a pity that my magic can't tear this barrier apart.

Gilles de Rey keeps searching.

As a result, a short figure slowly walked out of the woods.

"You are really a heinous combination. It seems that my choice is not wrong... There are always some people who must die in the mission! Killing you early can save countless people...

Otherwise, it would be really dangerous..."

"Who are you? Are you also a heroic spirit..."

Confronted by Gilles de Rey's inquiry.

Nacida didn't answer.

Instead, he raised his scepter high and said angrily: "Those who trample on life should completely turn into bubbles in this Emerald Dream... Come out, my friends..."


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