"Chant of the Storm...Farewell Sword!"

Soaring songs are born.

Qin dives from high altitude.

The strong wind pressure directly blocked an area.

The sword energy raged crazily.

Coupled with the powerful power of Holy Light.

She actually killed the six split bodies in just a short moment.

However, Hassan Sabah is also very smart. He has always been hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities to escape.

It's just a pity that they didn't even wait for him to leave.

A vine penetrated Hassan Sabah's throat directly.

Nacida chose to take action secretly.

Another Master was directly eliminated.

"Huh...it seems that only Gilgamesh is left in the mission, the most difficult person to deal with..."

The sky has brightened.

The battle also reached its final climax.

Five masters were eliminated.

Only Artoria and Gilgamesh were left.

No one has ever encountered such a cruel Holy Grail War.

As for Mona’s side, after defeating the Einzbern family.

Then Ilia was taken away.

"In this case, we have completed another goal of 843... Let me see, what else... is there? It is to kill Tokiomi Tohsaka... After all, this kind of old thing...

Not killing is also a disaster.

The Holy Grail War will never be completed..."

Her body turned into countless water splashes.

Disappeared in place.

Take Rin Tohsaka away and kill their father.

Mona felt no guilt at all.

Because such a scumbag really doesn't deserve to live.

As for whether to save Matou Kariya, Mona doesn't feel it is necessary. There are more geniuses than him.

So, let this guy fend for himself.

On the contrary, I wanted the Noble Phantasm in Emiya Kiritsugu's hand very much.

The water waves keep moving forward.

When Mona came near the battle.

The battle between the Scarlet King and Gilgamesh is going on in the most intense way.

Bloody sky and golden treasure house.

A fierce confrontation is taking place.

Don't look at how beautiful Gilgamesh said before, actually fighting the Scarlet King.

Only then did he understand the horror of Pandora.

Nearly immortal power.

An endless stream of attacks.

And that crazy move of exchanging injuries for injuries.

It all gave Gilgamesh a headache.

"You crazy woman, aren't you afraid of getting hurt?"

"As long as I devour you, I can recover all the injuries... Use all your power, otherwise... I will eat everything!!!"

Pandora went crazy.

The blood-red power directly enveloped Gilgamesh.

Endless corrosive power is constantly invading.

Jin Shining frowned.

The golden light flashed behind him.

Countless chains burst out directly.

The lock of heaven.

A chain specially made for God.

Once, even the Uzumaki Demon God could suppress it.

And now, the target is the Scarlet King.

However, when Gilgamesh used this thing, there were hundreds of identical chains.

Pandora burst out from behind.

"Hey...where did you get the Heavenly Lock..."

Gilgamesh looked into the distance angrily.

Because this is my friend's weapon.

Chapter 577 The special deal with Gilgamesh, the Holy Grail War is over

Qin came to Gilgamesh, and the Lock of Heaven in her hand slowly fell back.

"My weapon? Of course it's a secret... If you want to defeat us, it won't be that simple..."

Face her protection.

Pandora snorted coldly: "I don't want your support..."

She flew directly up.

Thousands of bright red tentacles headed straight in front of Gilgamesh.


Countless golden lightsabers directly cut all the tentacles.

Gilgamesh said angrily: "I ask you...how you obtained the Lock of Heaven..."

"Then it depends on your ability!"

Qin's hair was blown up by the magic.

The Sword of Victory in his hand burst out with infinite power.

A large number of light elements are gathering rapidly.

Jean was ready to risk her life.

Although the man in front of him is not a god, but...his power cannot be underestimated.

If you are careless.

Maybe the task cannot be completed.

Therefore, the battle must be ended quickly.

I pull here and let Mona finish harvesting early. This is the best ending.

Looking at Qin's figure.

Everyone present felt that she was like another Arturia.

A tremendous strength.

Attracted Gilgamesh's attention.

He frowned and said, "Who are you? And what's your name... Possessing this kind of power is enough for me to know your name... And you can have such momentum.

You are not an ordinary person either. "

"Jean Gunnhild... is currently the leader of the Knights of the West Wind in Mondstadt! It can be said that she is the person who manages Mondstadt for the time being... My husband is very powerful.

So, Gilgamesh...all your weaknesses, all your deeds

In fact, I know everything.

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