You now...are you really you?

Have you forgotten...everything about Uruk..."

That last sentence.

Gilgamesh was deeply shocked.

She actually knew Uruk.

Why does the other party know such ancient stories! ! !

"Hey...that one named Qin...what else do you know?"

"Do you want me to continue? Enkidu... Siduri... Gilgamesh... don't let your name become dirty, okay?"

The words fell.

Qin's sword energy also exploded.

The sword energy is far more terrifying than in the plot.

He slashed directly at Gilgamesh! ! !

"Damn it... Did you ignore the other party's attack because you were too focused... But don't underestimate me... Guili Sword!!!"

Although it is impossible to gather the strongest power.

However, his Noble Phantasm, the Sword of Oblivion, is an anti-realm Noble Phantasm.

It’s also against the world.

Weapons that can cut the world apart.


The sword energy is everywhere.

The shining golden armor then shattered.

Because the power of the piano represents light and purity.

It is by divine power.

And people who keep getting stronger.

Plus Mondstadt has the Incense of Faith.

The current Sword of Victory is far more powerful than the one in Artoria's hand.

After one blow.

The corners of Gilgamesh's mouth were bloodshot, and his golden armor was covered with lines and would soon be broken.

However, after this blow.

Qin also lost her fighting ability.

It takes time to recover.

Still, divine magic is at work.

Physical strength is recovering quickly.

At this time, the Scarlet King began to pursue.

She didn't care about the power that was cut off by Su Han as long as she swallowed the opponent's magic power, as for the seal in her body.

Now Pandora doesn't care.

But when she rushes in front of Gilgamesh.

The Heavenly Lock still suppressed the Scarlet King.

A demon with strong divinity.

There was no way to break free.

What's more, there is a Noble Phantasm that Gilgamesh personally used.

Can control for at least three minutes.

Beyond the angry Scarlet King.

Gilgamesh came to Qin and said calmly: "You said you know everything about me? In terms of my clairvoyance ability, you are not the existence of this world...

In other words, you don't belong to this world at all." "

He was observing from the beginning.

Until now the conclusion has been drawn.

Regardless of the previous Iskandar.

Or later Lancelot.

He can see through the other person's identity at a glance.

But only the Scarlet King still had the woman in front of him.

It is a state where the thread of fate is cut off.

There is no connection with this world.

And this proves it.

They do not belong to this world and are independent of everything.

This made Gilgamesh very excited.

In fact, the other person's mention of Siduli just now reminded him of everything in the past.

The Uruk dynasty was destroyed.

The age of God is also over.

However, if the person in front of me can travel through time and space, maybe... he will come up with something interesting.

Qin didn't have any fear, but smiled and said: "Of course... we come from outside the territory and are not controlled by the fate of this world, but... when will it come.

It just depends on luck, do you want to trade?

Lord Gilgamesh... no, I should say... the wise king of the Uruk Dynasty. "

"Hahahahaha... It's better not to call me that, it will make you die of shame... I didn't save the death of my best friend and the death of my subordinates.

The only thing I can say...

The only way is to defeat the god Tiamat...

If you trade, what do you want to do?

If I guess correctly, my master will be killed by you, right? "

"As expected, you saw it, yes... our plan was to obliterate Tokiomi Tokiomi, and then completed the mission, but... since you chose to surrender.

Then everything doesn't have to be like this...

As for the transaction, we need a lot of Noble Phantasms, and the content of the transaction is that when we have the opportunity to go to Uruk, we will let your people survive completely.

Whether it's Enkidu or Siduri...

Even all the people!

This is our bargaining chip, what do you think? "

Hearing keeps Uruk alive.

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed suddenly.

This is more useful than him getting the Holy Grail.

"Yes...but does this kind of Uruk count as destruction? How do you plan to arrange those people? Don't lie, I can see through my heart..."

Facing the question of this king.

Qin sorted it out and narrated: "When we can go to Uruk, we must defeat the terrifying Mother of Warcraft. Therefore, we can use special treasures at that time.

Move your people away.

Just like this time we came... also to complete some kind of mission.

As for the Uruk Dynasty, I think as long as you are here, everything will be fine..."

"So, is it so that King Arthur can win? turns out to be like this, okay...our deal is successful. I'm willing to bet once..."

Gilgamesh held out his hand.

And so does Qin.

The deal between the two is complete.

To indicate future identity.

Gilgamesh deliberately used his power to write a letter.

Then, he began to release the treasures he had stored and give them to Qin.

The Noble Phantasm is the king’s treasure house.

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