She hugged her daughter and nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Su Han, I will be back... Let's go, Illya... Mom will take you to play."


The two people walked outside.

After seeing the beauty of Qunyu Pavilion and the rich magic in the air.

They are just like Zencheng Aoi and Artoria.

Everyone froze in place.

Because this place is so great.

Like a fairyland.

"'s really beautiful it a fairyland?"

"That's right! Illya... Mom asks you something, and you have to answer truthfully..."


Illya looked at her mother in confusion.

I saw the other party saying calmly: "Do you hate Dad?"

The girl lowered her head and whispered: "I don't know... But dad seems to be a little cruel, like a robot... Ilia is very afraid that one day he will abandon us...

Just like Tokiomi Tohsaka. "

Hear what your daughter said.

Irisviel nodded and smiled: "Mom knows... don't worry, we will become very happy... forget everything before."


They travel around the world, led by servants.

The same is true for Chancheng Aoi.

Only the little boy Emiya Shirou was left in the room, looking at Su Han blankly.

His house exploded.

And it was destroyed, so now only myself is left.


"Do you want to be a warrior, a magician... or a black-blade soldier? I can help you... because I can feel how powerful you are."

The young man was silent for a while and said: "I...I want to be a glorious warrior. But I'm afraid that I can't do it..."

"Don't worry, my uncle will find you a powerful mentor. Just follow Katakuri for the time being. Well... he's already quite old, so let him be your adoptive father."

For Emiya Shirou, a genius.

Su Han will never miss it.

Nurture well.

Definitely a pretty good fighter.

Chapter 580 Mona, the cat who stole food, Xumi canceled the Xumi Order

After settling everyone in.

The time has come to night.

He possessed Ningguang the day before yesterday, and was tortured by Lisa yesterday.

Therefore, Su Han was very honest at night.

He directly chose to practice.

After having Nuwa's spiritual power, although I won't have back pain.

However, it would be a waste to waste time practicing at night.

Night falls.

Everyone entered the Emerald Dream, and a figure quietly walked in.

Looking at Su Han entering the dreamland.

The other party showed a hey smile.

"Don't blame me, it's because you don't know for sure..."

Now everyone is in dreamland.

Naturally, there is no one here in Su Han.

So I gave her a chance.

It is said that one can know the taste by eating the marrow.

The same is true for Mona. Let's start with it...she is still a bit passive, a bit shy.

But... newlyweds.

My parents also admitted it.

Naturally, she gradually became addicted.

Now there is no love for a week.

How can I endure it?

"Make enough food and clothing by yourself...hehehehehe..."

When everyone is practicing in the Emerald Dream.

Figure in the room.

As hardworking as a little bee.

People who entered the dreamland when they first arrived seemed very surprised.

Both Artoria and Illya "843" and others were shocked by this powerful dream power.

They thought this was just the Holy Grail War.

The power of that grass god.

But now I understand that the Emerald Dream is Su Han's power.

And the power of that dream.

It is the power of Nasida.

Here, Su Han's power will increase many times, and at the same time, he can turn his thoughts into images.

Videos watched during the day.

Somewhat short-lived.

Artoria wanted to see where things would have gone if Mona and others hadn't interfered.

She soon found out.

First, he went out and was sealed by the spearmen.

Secondly, that "Bluebeard" monster crazily kills ordinary people.

Fifteen children were killed in one night.

Then the other party became even more like a murderous maniac.

Keep taking action.

Even if the camp is destroyed.

The magician still summoned a huge sea demon, trying to kill all the people on the shore in one fell swoop.

However, the master was eventually locked.

Two shots were taken away directly.

Screen playback.

It attracted a lot of people's attention.

Illya and Tohsaka Rin both came over.

Form a small circle together.

It was like watching a movie, watching the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Things are always cruel.

When the scene reflected Tohsaka Sakura's experience, Zenjo Aoi suddenly started crying, and Tohsaka Rin didn't expect it either.

His sister would be so miserable after leaving.

She held the other person with her hand and said very firmly: "Sister...I won't let anyone hurt you..."

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