
Tohsaka Sakura huddled in her mother's arms and responded softly.

She didn't even dare to look up.

Then, the screen continued to scroll.

Until Irisviel was imprisoned, her body served as a container for the Holy Grail to descend.

Emiya Kiritsugu discovers the truth about the Holy Grail.

Finally the Fourth Holy Grail War ended.

And next, is the beginning of the fifth Holy Grail War.

The story is much sweeter than before.

However, under the seemingly calm face, there is unimaginable disgust hidden.

Tohsaka Sakura is inside, already Matou Sakura.

I suffer from physical and mental torture every day.

But Tohsaka Rin didn't know it at all.

As for Kotomine Kirei...in order to satisfy his own pleasure, he started to do things constantly.

Keep killing people.

Gilgamesh lives as he pleases.

In the picture, Su Han hid a lot of the story line between Tohsaka Rin and others and Emiya Shirou.

But the main plot is not hidden.

Until the Holy Grail is destroyed again.

The fifth game ended.

Arturia, on the other hand, chose to accept her fate. After Ilia lived for several months, her body functions came to an end.

ultimately perish.

It would be a lie to say this, but... the details and other aspects are very exquisite.

For example, Irisviel's family.

Even a family move.

Very easy to guess.

After the story ends.

Everyone went to practice.

Su Han smiled at Artoria and said: "Okay... I've shown you everything, and then I have to practice. This is the Emerald Dream...

Sleep or practice here at night.

It does not affect the body's recovery.

Even the mental strength will be better than before. "

"Well, thank you..."

Have honest conversations.

Let King Da Mao trust Su Han very much.

In fact, during the evening.

She also got a lot of news.

The big news about Su Han is actually all clear.

A young man who came out of humble beginnings now controls four countries.

It's really amazing.

The most important thing is that he has no pride or any arrogance.

Instead, it's the same as before.

For the benefit of the people.

Compared to just winning, others care more about people's livelihood.

I only know how to fight, but I don’t understand people’s livelihood.

It is well deserved to be left with a title that does not understand the public sentiment.

Looking at Su Han leaving.

Arturia's heart has changed a lot.

She felt that she still had a lot to learn, perhaps in this strange world.

Maybe you can find the true meaning of your life.

given to that dynasty in the previous life.

In this life, you should live your life.


About twelve o'clock at night.

Mona then hurried over to practice.

However, everyone is very understanding.

After all, many people have things on their hands.

Especially people in the group.

There are also times when it is impossible to come and practice at all.

Just don't know why.

Su Han always felt that Mona looked at him with a hint of secret joy and a hint of satisfaction.

How strange.

He would have asked.

But he found that the other party was practicing with his eyes closed.

Ever since, he could only choose to practice.


And in Xumi City.

Dorian of the Witches said to Tinari: "Don't you plan to return to the Order? Now those people have been eradicated...the sinners have also remained at the border.

If you don't return to the Xumi Order.

Our place exists in name only.

Parliament should be established.

However, such a school.

It cannot decline..."

Once upon a time, this man was the one who had the best chance of competing for the sage in the Xumi Order.

Regardless of knowledge.

Or combat effectiveness.

Tinari is one of the best.

Unfortunately, the other party declined.

Even invitations from the academy were rejected numerous times.

When facing Dorian.

Tinari shook his head and said: "The Academy... should be reformed, and this place will become a large library... The so-called Xumi Order Academy should not exist anymore.

For hundreds of years.

Xumi suffered a lot of injustice because of this.

Just let it be a memory.

I will participate in the council, and leave the academy to the elders. This is what I envision...some of the older generation but have no fighting ability...

Will enter the academy and become a mentor.

Not only should we impart knowledge to students, we should also tell them the principles of life and the history of Xumi.

Liyue did a good job with this convenience.

There are people who explain the legends of the past. Never forget the efforts and dedication of our ancestors..."

Recall the contributions of Akabane Sage and others.

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