Tinari felt that he was not worthy of sitting in this high position.

Duo Lian nodded and said: "Okay... I respect your choice. In fact, you are right... Compared with our ancestors, we have done too little...

As for the matter of the Academy.

Just do what you suggested..."

The Xumi Order has become history from today.

Starting tomorrow, the name will be changed to: Xumi Academy.

The people inside don't have any real power.

Only responsible for teaching students.

Just like the Arcane Throne.

Everyone performs their duties.

People who study academics should not get involved in domestic affairs.

Those responsible for fighting the war should not care about academic matters.

The advantage of doing this is that it will not allow people from the Academy to become bigger.

Likewise, let those aged scholars.

Have a decent job.

Of course, because of the reforms of the Xumi Order.

It will also bring back scholars from elsewhere to build a better future.

Xumi lacks a lot of manpower.

And all of this needs someone to fill it.

Wait until Tinari and Dorian's discussion is over.

It's dawn outside.

But instead of getting tired, the two of them chatted more and more.

It wasn't until this matter was completely resolved that they left.

That morning, heavy news appeared on Xumi's TV station.

As the host, the witch took the speech and said: "Ahem...there are a few things that the TV station needs to announce this time. First of all...

The Xumi Academy no longer had the power to control other places and was renamed the Xumi Academy.

All people over the age of fifty can enter this place through examination.

Or have certain specialties.

It should be noted that the Academy does not have any rights.

Just responsible for teaching..."

"The second thing is that Xumi will build his own army. Liyue's generals will be trained on his behalf. When the time comes in 5.4, this position will be handed over to us.

Moreover, the flower god’s birthday festival is about to be held.

Everyone can have fun then.

This event is very exciting. If you have a show you want to perform or want to come and have fun, you can.

It is worth mentioning that this Flower God’s Birthday Festival.

There will be people from three other countries participating. Those who want to make money, please don’t give up this opportunity..."

"The third thing is about urban construction... and urban planning, which require a lot of manpower. If anyone wants to participate, they can sign up directly at the registration points in various places...

In addition to salary every month, there are additional bonuses and points..."

Television broadcast.

The people of Xumi were shocked.

The cancellation of the Xumi Order was only heard about before, but now it is directly announced to be cancelled.

This is a good thing.

And build the army behind.

Flower Goddess Festival.

And all sorts of things.

It makes people extremely happy.

First, Xumi has its own army, and everyone will feel very safe.

After all, other countries have garrisons.

After all, there is no sense of belonging.

This way many young guys have the opportunity to become strong.

Secondly, the Flower Goddess Festival stimulates consumption and everyone can make a fortune.

What a good thing.

Chapter 581 The group leader’s special reward, the birth of Sun Knight Diluc

When Xumi announced the news.

Su Han also woke up from his sleep.

Open your eyes.

He didn't expect Mona to be in his arms.

Limbs wrapped around themselves.

Like a koala.

It made him dumbfounded.

Yesterday, he felt something strange in his body. He thought it was Shen He who came to find him secretly, so he did not return to reality.

As a result, it was Mona who came to steal food.

Just as he was looking at his little wife in his arms, the other party suddenly said: "Give me a massage...my waist and legs are so sore..."

"You're not afraid of being seen..."

Su Han complained.

But Mona opened her eyes and said with a smile: "I did all the investigation before I came here to steal food...otherwise you think I'm stupid, if I'm caught by Sister Thor

That's a big deal. "

She had already confirmed that everyone was in a dream before coming over.

And no more, I can’t come back today.

For example, Shen He... went to see Lord Liuyun Jiefeng during the day and slept there at night.

There is no way to come back.

Also going together was Gan Yu.

It is equivalent to visiting the master.

As for Raiden Movie and Raiden Shin, they both practice in meditation.

Since getting the Zhuxian Formation Diagram.

Sister Thor has been reduced.

So calculated.

Mona's chances are really great.

The two talked for a full hour before getting up to take a bath.

It was just small talk at first.

Later it turned directly into an academic exchange.

Mona's current physique is very special. If she develops her abilities well, she can at least be among the top five in the All-Heaven Mission Group.

Currently, this ranking does not count as a demon.

Fairy-level physique.

It’s scary to think about it.

The two of them were in the bath. Su Han shaved 12 Mona's hair, while the latter massaged his back.

None of them like maids coming for massages.

This will ruin the atmosphere.

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