Power is something that exists to protect happiness.

Therefore, Lei Qianqian feels that he must continue to become stronger in order to protect his own happiness!

When returning to the palace.

As soon as I walked in, I felt the smell of hot pot.

"Hey... Su Han, come and have a hot pot... It's really nice to have a hot pot in such a cold place..."

Hutao was holding a piece of offal and smiled brightly.

In the distance, Keqing was simmering and saw him returning from the movie with Lei.

Serve a portion of cooked beef offal directly.

Su Han took a bite and found that it tasted better than anything made by the chef at Wanmintang.

It's really not simple.

"How is the taste?"

“It’s great...I like it very much, full of spicy flavor...”

"Hehe...that's fine, by the way...what did you just do?"

"Observe the operation of the ley line ice bed. This ten thousand year ley line ice bed is not on the seabed or in the sea water, but is directly embedded in the ley line.

I think we can dig a tunnel later.

When you become stronger, you can continue to practice deeply... For now, being in the palace is just right, if you are directly outside.

The body will be frostbitten. "

After hearing this, Youla nodded and said: "Okay... we will listen to you, by the way... do you want that King of the North Wind to come over? I think he is quite aggrieved now.

Since the Abyss incident.

My strength has never been restored. Would it be very comfortable if I came here? ”.

Chapter 584 The horror of Kunlun’s innate thunder pool, the former God of Thunder was raised to waste

Andrius, the Wolf King of the North Wind.

It was the existence that originally protected Mondstadt, but later went through a series of changes.

Ultimately driven by the abyss.

Almost made a big mistake.

Also because of that incident, Andrius has been in a weak state.

They even went to stay near Longji Snow Mountain because they didn't want to be disturbed too much by humans.

Because of the original Blue Wind Highlands.

It is now part of Mondstadt.

Therefore, Andrius chose to stay in Longji Snow Mountain so that he could be quieter.

However, it was also because the previous injuries were too serious.

As a result, Andrius's current strength is only about 50%.

This is because Su Han often feeds him.

Otherwise, this North Wind Erha.

It's probably going to die a long time ago.

Hearing Yura's suggestion.

Su Han smiled and said: "Of course you can... Let me let someone inform you... After all, Andrius has also made contributions to Mondstadt.

Let it come and recover. "


A few minutes later.

Su Han informed the troops stationed near Longji Snow Mountain.

Orders were given to them.

The cavalry team hurriedly moved towards Andrius' lair.

About ten minutes later.

The team arrived at a cold lair.

There are ice crystals nearby.

Sensing someone's presence.

Andrius slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Mondstadt's soldiers doubtfully and asked, "Didn't we just deliver food three days ago? Could it be that Master Su Han has something else going on..."

"That's right, Mr. Andrius, Master Su Han has built a huge glacier on the sea, which will be of great benefit to your recovery from injuries.

So order us to inform you..."

"Sea surface? Hmm...I know! I do feel a strong chill...I'll go take a look. Thank you for your hard work..."

"Need not..."

Andrius stood up and looked into the distance.

It did feel an extremely powerful chill before.

I originally thought it was some kind of monster.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be something created by Master Su Han.

It’s really incredible.

If you follow the other party, maybe you can regain your former strength.

Andrius ran with all his strength on the sea, and the moment his footsteps fell, countless frosts condensed.

It only takes a moment.

It arrived in front of the glacier.

Compare Longji Snow Mountain.

This is the real paradise.

The endless frost was a godsend to Andrius.

Just like plants absorbing sunlight.

It was as if the lion had eaten the meat.

This is simply wonderful.


Andreas was so excited that he couldn't help but roar to the sky.

Even running happily on this land.

It just doesn't know.

In Su Han's eyes, his posture was no different from an Erha.

At this time, he smiled and said: "Now that Andrius is here...invite the master here, Shen He...she is an existence of ice attribute, as for the other two immortals.

The true king who cuts the moon and builds the sun is in the Flame Mountain...

There is only one immortal left with nowhere to go. "

"There's nothing we can do about it... Our ability is only so far."

Shen He brought a handkerchief.

Wiping the grease from the corners of Su Han's mouth.

However, she later informed the master through a phone bug.

I heard that there is a holy land with ice properties.

The other party also rushed over without stopping.

Then it became...everyone understands the picture.

“What a beautiful place…”

"I said Ningguang, since you don't fight, why don't you have a child with Su Han?"

"Well...Mona is the same. Although her figure is a bit slender, it doesn't affect the baby..."


Directly turned into a large-scale birth site.

Gan Yu's head was full of black lines and he directly pulled his master towards the depths of the room.

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