Otherwise, no one can stay here.

The birth of the Ten Thousand Years Earth Vein Ice Bed.

It can be regarded as the one with the strongest growth rate for everyone.

And this is just the first special offer.

After eating.

Su Han opened the All Heavens mission group and looked at the second treasure.

Similar to the first one.

They are all scene creations.

This is what everyone needs most right now.

Strength can be cultivated.

However, scenes are what Teyvat lacks most.

Because it is like the Flame Mountain or the Ice Bed of Ten Thousand Years Earth Line.

They all transform the environment of a place.

And this time, the thing is...a holy land with thunder attributes.

It is also the most violent place.

[Name]: Kunlun Innate Thunder Pool

[Original price]: Six million points

[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 600,000 points

[Introduction]: Originating from a strange scene in a fairyland, it is a very violent secret realm. As a natural place to store tens of thousands of types of thunder, it is also an excellent place to practice thunder attributes.

[Efficacy]: The innate thunder pool that stores tens of thousands of thunder seeds will trigger thousands of thunders, so you must be careful when practicing, as you may be injured.

Even hit hard

Because thunder is the most violent among the attributes!

[Tip]: Kunlun's innate thunder pool can be released to the outside world, or it can exist in the form of a secret realm. If released to the outside world, this power will directly change the landscape.

At the same time, the innate thunder pool will often release the power of thunder

Once detonated, it will cause an unimaginable explosion.

The secret realm form will also have such risks, but it will not affect the outside world.

[Remarks]: Once the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pool becomes a secret realm, it cannot be released to the outside world. This must be understood clearly.

[Function]: There are tens of thousands of thunder seeds stored in Kunlun's innate thunder pool. Each one has different attributes. The highest level is thunder with immortal power.

And the lowest is, Yin attribute thunder

One can destroy hundreds of meters in radius

[Special]: Although the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pond will produce plants and medicines with thunder attributes, they must be picked regularly, otherwise they will be devoured by thunder and everything will be reduced to nothing.

At the same time, in the innate thunder pool, many thunderbolts will give birth to sanity over time.

This must be noted

[Note]: Each thunder seed has different power. Ordinary people can only conquer three thunder seeds at most. Once you conquer thunder seeds with conflicting attributes, there will be danger.

[Reminder]: If the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pool is a secret realm, it covers an area of ​​20,000 square meters, because the Kunlun Mountain itself is also included in it, and there will be a lot of thunder even on the edge.

The thunder on the main mountain peak is the most advanced existence

[Countdown]: six days, eighteen hours and twenty-five minutes

Same scene card.

However, it is the most violent force.

Thunder attribute.

Innate thunder pool.

Just by hearing this name, you can know that there are countless thunders hidden in the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pond.

Beidou's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "This thing is fun... If I can let my Thunder Emperor Sword absorb the power of the thunder species, it will definitely become stronger...

Son of the Eightfold God, shall we practice together? "

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Face her demands.

Chuan Hu covered his mouth and smiled: "Of course... I haven't improved my strength for a long time. This Kunlun innate thunder pool is really domineering, with tens of thousands of thunder seeds...

Gee, this is a dangerous thing.

It absolutely cannot be released to the outside world. "

"Yeah... it's best to be in a secret realm. I think... how about we put the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pond directly in the Qunyu Pavilion? It's safe and reliable... and nothing will happen.

If someone practices.

It allows them to teleport directly into the secret hall through the bottom. "

Mona gave a perfect answer.

Such a dangerous secret place.

Of course it is better to be safer.

Therefore, she wanted to hide the secret realm.

Qunyu Pavilion is currently the safest place.

Su Han nodded and said, "I don't have any objections... Is there anything else you should pay attention to?"

His eyes turned to the others.

Rose Witch Lisa shook her head and said: "I have no objection... The Jade Pavilion is indeed safe, and... the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pond is not a place like the Flame Mountain.

Once detonated, you will not die.

........ .... ...

Being injured can also be uncomfortable..."

"I think the same way! Let's put it in the Jade Pavilion...so that my sister can absorb the thunder inside."

Ray Films agreed.

I saw that everyone was thinking the same thing.

Su Han nodded and said: "Okay... let's go back now, eat and drink enough... go home and take a look at the second secret realm, and then start practicing separately."


It came flying here.

Naturally, I have to fly back when I go back.

People with ice attributes.

Naturally, there was no involvement.

They all practice here.

Including Diona.

Although she is very good at bartending, but...cultivation is more important than anything else!

Return to Qunyu Pavilion.

Everyone discussed it and finally placed the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pond at the edge of the Palace of Origin.

Kunlun was originally going to be placed here.

However, considering that there are sword cultivators there, this is not good.

So I chose the Palace of Origin.

After Su Han redeemed it, he fixed the secret realm gate on the left side of the Palace of Origin.

top place.

It is the true resting place of thunder and lightning.

Therefore, this secret realm is placed on the left side.

It won't disturb her rest.

When the secret realm falls.

Infinite power of thunder and lightning poured out from inside.

Raiden Zhen, who was sleeping in, woke up immediately.

"Huh? What is that...Did Su Han bring some treasure?"

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