But you also need to have the power to protect yourself.

I don’t want to lose you again..."

"Hehe... I know, I know... Well... practice seriously today, don't be so heartless..."

Raiden really hugged him again.

Facing my sister's scoundrel.

There is nothing that Lei Movie can do.

On the other hand, Hua Sanli smiled at Su Han and said, "Are we going up the mountain?"

"We'll probably talk about it tonight or tomorrow... This situation can't be solved at all. I'll capture some thunder species first and let Totosai strengthen the weapons for our people.

Also forge some weapons. "

There are many types of thunder in the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pool.

Moreover, thunder species will be derived every period of time.

There are almost 20,000 thunder seeds in these peripheral areas.

Keeping it is also a waste.

See if it can be used as a material for making weapons or treasures.

Su Hanfei went out and collected dozens of them.

They are all thunder species that are not very powerful, but have unique characteristics.

Almost half an hour later.

Totozai arrived belatedly.

Seeing the powerful secret realm and the sea of ​​thunder in the sky, the old man shivered with fear.

What kind of place is this?

It's so scary.


"Sir, what are your orders..."

"Well...do you have any way to make some weapons out of these things? The thunder species...their approximate abilities are like this..."

Su Han talked about the power of sealing thunder seeds.

The little old man suddenly fell into thinking.

After a while, he raised his head and said, "Do you think this is okay? Sir... we can fuse the thunder species into the weapon and amplify its weapon... Even people who are not thunder-attributed can control it.

However, it is not as strong as the main body in absorbing it.

At the same time, you can also summon various summons to attack..."

The concept of Totosai.

Very good.

He even had an even more interesting proposal.

"Sir... the video you showed me before contained many very interesting things. What do you think of it being transformed into a firearm? Using thunder seeds as energy source?"

Pulse gun.

Based on the huge electromagnetic force.

The user only needs to carry that gun to release powerful power.

This is very useful in team battles.

However, Totosai's ability cannot create firearms.

At this time, Arecino said: "Some of my scientific researchers know how to make firearms, why not let them help?

I remember the sugar was in the alchemy department.

You can make it on site. "

"Okay...that's it."

Order down.

People took action one after another.

Travel through the dimensional gate.

Arriving at Qunyu Pavilion, we finally came to the secret realm.

Sugar and scientific researchers studied it.

The renovation started directly.

Totosai built his own craftsman's room not far away.

As for Lei Ze and others in the distance, they are absorbing thunder seeds.

Make your own efforts.

Almost an hour later, a sniper rifle was created, with the most stable mine as the energy core.

Keli looked at the long weapon and asked, "Sister Sugar, how powerful is this?"

"I'll test it and you'll know..."

As soon as Granu waved his hand, the experimenter immediately took a stance.

A huge sniper rifle is aimed in the distance.

I saw him pull the trigger.


An electromagnetic artillery shell flew out immediately.

There is almost no recoil.

And the speed is extremely fast.

There is a huge rock ten meters in the distance.

It was penetrated directly.

Dadalia took a breath of air and exclaimed: "This thing is too scary... If Liyue had such a thing, I would not dare to come here even if I were killed..."

What the hell is this?

high speed.

Strong penetrating power.

And Sugar smiled and said: "This is just a framework. If you use other mine types, the power of the gun will be completely different..."

As he spoke, the soldier changed bullets.

Pull the trigger again.

I saw a thunderbird flying out.

Accompanied by the explosion.

The stone that was penetrated was directly blown to pieces.

However, almost a minute later.

Thunderbird returned to the Thunderseed.

"Replacing bullets will expose the position, but... the attack power will become stronger, so... changing bullets will also be a problem, but the advantage is...

If it is launched like this, it will be powerful. "

Sugar is truly a professional.

A lot of basic plans were quickly given.

Not only offensively, but even defensively.

Three thunder seeds can create a thunder shield.

Its defense is very powerful, and even beings of Xingqiu's level cannot break through this thing.

However, the disadvantage is... this kind of thing is simple to arrange, if it is stored.

The shield disappeared.

Su Han looked at the research results and said with a smile: "Come on..."

"843 Hmm..."

This time, the Kunlun Innate Thunder Pond and the Earth Vein Ice Bed are also present.

All brought huge benefits to Su Han's alliance.

On the news on the TV station that night, these two videos were played, one lasting about 20 minutes.

"The cold frost...the frozen earth, this is the glacier world created by Master Su Han. It not only has a high concentration of ice elements, but can also produce various ice-attribute treasures.

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