Join our military or serve our country.

You can go to this holy place for cultivation..."

Accompanied by Xiaogong's explanation.

The glacier also included Andrius' presence.

At the same time, the horror near the top of the glacier was also presented to everyone.

Countless people looked shocked.

"Oh my god...what kind of place is this? Is it made alive?"

"Look...the sea is frozen. It was really caused by Master Su Han.'s really scary. By the Master Su Han already a demon?"

"It must be at the level of a demon god. The World Tree, the Flame Mountain...and now we have created a glacier continent! It's so powerful..."

"Master Su Han is simply invincible..."

The existence of glaciers makes countless ice-type people yearn for it.

If you practice here, the speed will be countless times faster.

The second video is even more shocking.

The secret realm of innate thunder pool.

This is amazing.

Not only did the generals of thunder and lightning practice martial arts here, but many people with thunder attributes also went into retreat here.

If you can get a thunder seed.

Then, not only can the strength be improved.

It also allows people to increase their strength.

Especially Lei Ze's performance is even more eye-catching.

"Oh my that sky a sea of ​​thunder and lightning? It's amazing..."

"If only I could get a thunder seed!"

"Then what are you waiting for... Can students who have not seen the Arcane Throne go to that holy land? Lord Su Han is simply the savior..."

"That's right. Even if you can't be a soldier, you can still be a student."

Chapter 587 The Contract between the Queen of Winter and Zhongli, and the Importance of the Flower God’s Birthday Festival

As everyone knows.

Su Han is very generous.

Not only the people around me, but also the students have benefited a lot.

When fighting the Scarlet King before.

Various concepts are also well known to everyone.

Even the strength of those students has been recognized by the public.

And this video once again proves Su Han's arrogance.

The resources he possesses are simply too abundant.

It can even be described as overlord.

Thunder, ice, wood, fire.

Four kinds of holy places for cultivation.

Who doesn’t yearn for it?

What's more, there is a demon god by his side. Even if he gets a word of advice from the demon god, he may avoid a lot of mistakes.

The current qualifications for cultivation have been announced.

As long as you can show your strength.

Then, you can go to these holy places for cultivation.

Of course, if you dare to betray Lord Su Han.

What may be waiting for you is that the entire continent is wanted.

four countries.

What a terrible siege.

It is precisely because of this that Su Han's popularity has increased again.

In the Fontainebleau.

Countless people looked at the two newly born holy places, and countless magicians showed longing eyes.

Although Fontaine is a place with great water properties.

However, regardless of academic or elemental richness.

Neither is best for them.

Mages with fire attributes yearn for the Flame Mountain.

Magicians with ice attributes yearn for glaciers.

The thunder attribute mage longs for that secret realm.

I was just a student before.

Now these mentors are feeling envious, how about... go over and give it a try?

A place where so many demons and immortals gather.

It should be very interesting.

Moreover, the four countries are now a united front, as long as you pass the review.

You can go anywhere.

What a great thing.

Not only here, even Nata from the Duel Kingdom also yearns for new life here.

One strong person after another.

I was very excited inside.

"There are so many masters in Liyue now. If we go there, will our strength be improved?"

"Look at what you said, the people there are very powerful. By the way... there seems to be a fighting competition at the Flower Goddess Festival, and everyone is invited to participate.

The prizes are amazing.

The first prize will get customized attribute equipment.

The second prize will receive exclusive exercises.

The third prize will get you the elixir for cultivation.

Even if you just participate in the competition, you can get three training crystals with the same attributes, and... I heard that you can also get mysterious spiritual food by participating there. "

"Really? It can't be a dream...spiritual food!!!"

Countless gladiators.

They all sighed.

Why so shocked?

Because there is a princess in their fighting city who has been stuck in one place for many years because of her strength.

There was no breakthrough for a long time.

Later, a businessman named Li Ben came here to do business from thousands of miles away.

A portion of spiritual food worth five thousand molasses.

The princess achieved a breakthrough after taking it for three days.

Moreover, the improvement in strength is terrifying.

But unfortunately, the spiritual food was specially provided by Liyue.

Even this magical Liben man can only get ten pounds.

This was obtained through his long-term trade and using points.


High-level spiritual food is only available internally, unless you have points, but... points can only be obtained by completing tasks.

Missions officially released by Liyue and four other countries.


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