It is the mission of Qun Yu Pavilion.

Whoever completes it will get it!

Many people would rather lose money to finish it.

This is enough to show the importance of points.

Among the four countries.

As long as you have points, you can do many things that are very difficult to do.

No matter how difficult the illness is.

Or maybe he wants to gain power.

You can do it as long as you have points.

Like this Flower Goddess Festival.

The fighting champion will get one hundred points.

This is the biggest gimmick.

Because in addition to one hundred points, there are also the benefits of practicing in the Holy Land for thirty days.

Who wouldn’t be envious?

Suddenly a gladiator said: "I don't care... I want to go to Sumeru. I want to gain great strength. A place like Nata is not suitable for me at all."

If you want to marry my lover, you must fight hard...〃~."

Someone started.

Others are also making calculations.

If you take a ship, you can reach Xumi in about three days.

There are still five days until the Flower Goddess Festival.

Time is enough.

After thinking about this clearly, others were also preparing to pay for travel expenses.

They don't want their lives to be dim like this.

Going to Sumeru is the only chance.

In fact, they are not the only ones who think so, including Fontaine and some people in remote areas of Winter Country also want to participate.

They are not governed by the Solstice Kingdom.

But they are residents of the Solstice Kingdom.

Warlike by nature.

Don’t give in to anyone.


And inside the Ice and Snow Palace.

Piero the Harlequin knelt on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Queen...the results of our actions can only be so little..."

in front of him.

The throne is empty.

On the contrary, behind the throne, there is an exquisite crystal coffin.

Inside lay a stunningly beautiful woman.

Fair skin is smoother than milk.

The crystal-like hair looks as sacred as falling snow.

Hear the reports from his subordinates.

The Queen slowly opened her eyes.

In the bright eyes.

Full of coldness.

Her red lips parted slightly, and she said calmly: "It's not your's all that man's problem. With the approval of Morax, Barbatos became a brother.

Take General Thunder as his wife.

Now I have harvested the Little Lucky Grass King again. he very capable..."

"My Lady Queen, what should we do next? With our current strength, we may not be able to complete the mission. A large number of fools will betray us.

All of our mid-range power has been intercepted.




Although the skirmisher guy didn't betray, but... the other party's whereabouts is also a problem. "

Hear Piero's narration.

Queen Solstice said in a cold tone: "Continue to complete our plan..."

"But, the heart of God..."

"He has already sent it!"

Between the flashes of light.

Several hearts of gods.

Falling in front of the clown.

"this is..."

"Wind, rock, and grass, the three hearts of gods were sent over by the people of Morax. This was the original contract to test the people of Liyue with the vortex demon god Osel.

This is Dadalia's mission.

And our agreement is not to damage Liyue Port.

His divine heart is the price.

However, the other party sent the other two coins over.

As for Thor...the other party refused! "

The Solstice Queen explains what happened.

Morax, the King of Rocks, is the most contract-oriented person.

The contract was signed last year, but I didn't expect things to come to this point.

However, the deal is over.

Morax also said.

That was the end of their relationship.

At present, Liyue has been handed over to Su Han.

I am a pensioner myself.

They don't care about domestic affairs at all.

As for what will happen in the future.

It can only depend on God’s will.

Because he is now under Su Han's management.

"In other words, we only need to obtain Thor, Nata and Fontaine to complete the mission?"

"Yes, the doctor and others will die as long as they can complete their mission."

".¨This subordinate understands..."

"Well, step back..."

The Queen slowly closed her eyes, which disappointed Piero who wanted to say something else.

His eyes were still looking at the crystal coffin.

As a most loyal servant.

I shouldn't have the intention to go beyond the limits,'s just because the two parties know each other, so...that's all, I'd better do things as agreed.

Wait until Piero leaves.

The wind and snow inside the palace gradually drifted.

And in that wind and snow.

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