"Oh...no, just some ordinary low-alcohol juice, Sakura...just sleep at my brother's place."


Tohsaka Sakura lay obediently on her lap.

I fell asleep quickly.

Su Liu also used a trick and fell asleep.

She doesn't want to be criticized and educated.

If he came here by himself, he would most likely be criticized, so he came with Chancheng Aoi's daughter.


Looking at the two sleeping people.

Artoria asked: "You said before that our world is very big. May I ask...what are the problems? Can I understand..."

"Well...it seems a little difficult to answer this, but...I have a question that I want you to think about. Maybe you will understand..."

"Tell me..."

"Why do you think so many heroes die in their prime?"

A breeze blew.

Artoria's drunkenness was instantly dispelled.

She asked with a trembling voice: "Could it be that...could it be that..."

"Well, that's right... As you might think, King Arthur at his peak died and became a heroic spirit to continue serving the planet. Once...

I remember that there was another stupid king who was like this.

Her name is Nero.

He also died at his peak, even...Gilgamesh!


Along with one familiar name after another.

Arturia couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

Why is this happening.

Why do these people encounter these things when they are at their peak?

"So, it's not an accident at all, but fate controlling everything... Specifically, it's inhibition, right? Just like the moment of my defeat.

The same sound that appeared in my ears. "

Su Han took out a piece of tea, put it in his mouth, nodded and said: "Just as you thought... what really controls the world is actually inhibition.

Keep the planet running.

Keep the planet running.

But... you have a question. Once the power that controls the world has emotions, then there must be something wrong with the world... That's why something like this happens.

Including the child I rescued.

Emiya Shirou will also use his soul as a contract to become a suppressive wage earner in the future because he wants to save people in the fire.

Ha...now you understand, right?

In fact, there are only a few people who can truly face death with an open mind, because your destiny has long been in the hands of restraint.

Like a puppet being held by a thread.

Let the other party pull you..."

Arturia agreed with this very much.

It's scary to think about it.

In fact, there were signs from the birth of the Holy Grail.

However, she did not think deeply about it.

Now that Su Han woke him up, he understood the horror of the matter.

Maybe your own kingdom is also under the control of the other party.

Ha...that's ridiculous.

"Don't blame the inhibition... The other party's existence is transcendent from the world, it just wants to live... Therefore, your struggle is meaningless."

"Hmph...but this feeling is not good at all!"

Artoria rolled her eyes at him.

At the same time, the conversation ended.

Su Han did not continue the communication.

Sometimes it stops.

On the contrary, it is a good thing.

Several people sat like this until the next day.

When dawn comes.

Arturia took advantage of everyone being asleep and asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me... why you want to save me? There are heroic spirits stronger than me who can save..."

"Because I have always liked you..."

The sincere tone is convincing.

King Daimao's face turned a little red.

His eyes were no longer sharp.

Su Han put Tohsaka Sakura aside and waved to her.

As a result, Artoria was as frightened as a little rabbit and jumped away.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Why are you laughing? I'm not as easily deceived by you as those women. You want my hug. Let's talk about it later... You bad man..."

With that said, Artoria jumped down.

Then go through the portal.

Went to Mondstadt.

When she arrived in the city, she realized that her face was extremely hot.

All these years.

This was the first time she was treated as a woman.

Even Emiya Kiritsugu considers himself a powerful tool.

But Su Han was different. It was the look of a man appreciating a woman.

Although it is the first time to experience it.

But she was very useful.

"Give me a little more time... maybe I'll get used to it slowly... For ordinary women, it's actually pretty good..."

Arturia murmured in her heart.

At the same time, she came to the Mondstadt Knights to officially report.

Jean saw her arrival and immediately accepted the other person's duties.

"From today on, you are the third deputy leader of the Mondstadt Knights, with the title: Knight of the Stars!"

"Yes, we will be colleagues from now on..."

King Da Mao shakes hands with Captain Qin...

The two people can be considered to have established a relationship.

Slowly she became familiar with her duties.

At this time, Lisa came to the room and said to Qin: "The Flower Goddess Festival is about to begin... From today on, the participants will be selected. Artoria, do you want to participate?"

"Excuse me...are there any benefits to participating in this?"

King Daimao asked doubtfully.

Lisa explained: "You can compete with masters from all over the world, and secondly, you can get points...and the points can be exchanged for anything!"

"If that's the case... then let's take part!"

Now that I have come to this world.

Then she would just go with the flow.

It’s not just Mondstadt.

Selection has also begun elsewhere.

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