Three rounds of challenges to proceed to the next.

You can have ring battles or wheel battles.

Anyway, you can advance in three rounds.

Of course, in order to prevent anyone from deliberately letting the enemy go, every arena is monitored by the leader of the Black Blade Soldiers.

Ensure the fairness of the competition.

As for Xumi Nei, the competition is even fiercer!

Because this is their country.

If you can't even occupy a ranking.

It would be a joke.

Kelai returned to his home as a contestant in Xumi Kingdom.

Transform the city.

The place that was once dilapidated is now decorated with lights.

There were floral decorations hanging everywhere.

There are also many paintings.

It is quite Xumi cultural.

Moreover, there are people rehearsing dance nearby.

"Hey...I'm back, Miss Kelai..."

"It's Mr. Brian, good morning..."

"Hey, I heard that you went to Qunyu Pavilion for further study for a long time. This time you are going to bring glory to our Xumi."


Kelai's confident look made many people look happy.

However, after returning to the ranger gathering place.

Only then did she realize that her master was not at home.

"Excuse me, where is Teacher Tinari?"

"Mr. Tinari has been staying in the Academy. I heard that he is rectifying Academy 5.4 and managing the documents in it. Many things are not suitable for research..."

"So that's it..."

Cole looked relieved.

Indeed, Xumi has gone through this turmoil.

Many things need to be sorted out.

If you don't organize it well.

In case someone continues to research and problems arise.

That would be bad.

So, what can be learned.

What cannot be learned.

All must be authenticated.


At this time, in the Xumi Big Library.

Tinari received a message here.

"Sir, there is news from Sumeru's underground river. The withered creatures that once dispersed have reappeared..."

"What did you say? Weren't they all repulsed..."

"The news we just received is that our front line has been defeated. There are so many dead creatures this time, and they are constantly expanding their territory. An early warning came from the front line..."

"Order all places to conduct strict investigations to see where exactly there are problems. At the same time... tell those people that the source must be cut off..."

"Yes, Lord Tinari!"

Watch the servant leave.

Tinari couldn't help but sigh: "It's really troublesome... I just dealt with the matter between the academy and the Scarlet King, and those withered creatures appeared again...".

Chapter 591 The real horror of the Dead Realm, the existence of the Kingdom of Natural Death

At this time, in various areas of Xumi.

Hidden beneath the rock formations of lush woods.

This is the kingdom of death.

Countless strange fogs.

There is constant flow here.

Dead zone.

The ancient country that existed far longer than Xumi was also the place where Xumi's expression changed.

Now there are a lot of cracks.

Some monsters like withered trees slowly crawled out from the cracks.

Their skin is dry.

Some bodies still have the black aura of death flowing through them.

Places passed.

Life is ruined.

The moss that originally lived on the rock wall withered and died after being exposed to this aura.

"It's not good...Why are there so many monsters coming out? Wasn't it good before?"

"It may be that the battle with the Scarlet King eventually led to the outbreak of the Dead Realm. Has the news been reported to the top?"

"Of course, but the phone signal here is not very strong. I guess it will take a while. I'll go and ask..."

The moment the ranger turned around.

A piece of withered wood instantly spread out from the wall.

Directly penetrated the ranger's throat.


Blood was continuously drawn along the dead wood.

The ranger couldn't speak at all.

The observers behind screamed in fright.

But the moment he spoke, a shadow penetrated his body, and the blood was quickly drained away.

The whole person turned into a mummy.


The lights dimmed instantly.

I saw this deep cave.

There was a strange sound.

"How about it..."

"All were killed, the stupid living people...don't understand the greatness of our death!"

"Then go ahead and let the holy realm come to the world..."


The voice was very hoarse.

Like that rag, it's very unpleasant.

After the light here was extinguished, the thick fog began to spread continuously, and a large number of rock formations lost their life.

Disappeared together with the water source.

Inside the temporary command post in the rainforest.

"Sorry, there have been abnormalities in six places, and the liaison officers have lost contact... I'm afraid something big is going to happen!!!"

"Damn it, could it be that... the realm of death has really arrived? But at this time..."

"We can't hide it anymore. Go report it to Qunyu Pavilion. We no longer have the ability to handle these things!"

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