"But...Flower Festival!"

"Are you still in the mood to care about this now? Once the Dead Zone approaches...our rainforest will face drying up! This is the most important thing...

Home is more important than anything else! ! ! "

Face that commander's words.

The communications officer gritted his teeth and said, "I understand..."

Soon they conveyed the news to Qunyu Pavilion.

Dongfang Huaizhu, who was dealing with official duties, frowned and said, "Death realm?"

"Yes, the situation is critical... That is the world of death. According to legend... it is longer than the birth of our Sumeru. Please support...

Based on the latest information.

Twenty-six of us have lost contact.

The threat of the Dead Zone is too great. "

"I understand, I will convey the message immediately..."

Dongfang Huaizhu stood up quickly.

Went out to look for Su Han.

Only he can handle such a big thing.

At this moment, Su Han was cultivating his strength in the Xiantian Lei Pond. When he heard that Dongfang Huaizhu had something important to report, he ended his training.

He arrived at the entrance to the secret realm.

"What's wrong?"

"Sumiru is now invading the living world from the Dead Realm... It can no longer resist it and is asking for our support... At the current situation, a rain forest has begun to dry up.

Twenty-six of the rangers responsible for observation have gone missing..."

"The situation is so serious? Why didn't they report it earlier?"

Su Han was a little annoyed.

The situation is urgent and you need to hide it?

What are these nerds up to?

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled bitterly and said: "Those people said...it was for the flower god's birthday festival, and...it wasn't serious yesterday, so I planned to report after the festival is over.

Who would have thought that it would break out today..."

"Gather people together and prepare to start the meeting!"


Soon a large number of people gathered in Qunyu Pavilion.

Including Artoria.

Thirty people in total.

Dongfang Huaizhu conveyed the latest report.

Less than ten minutes.

Casualties have been piling up.

It can be called the most terrifying thing at present.

Ningguang checked the information and frowned: "The Dead Realm is the biggest threat to Sumeru?"

"That's right... We Xumi have been invaded by the Dead Realm, and Lord Grass God is the real force to resist the Dead Realm. The previous generation of Great Ci Tree King used his supreme power to suppress the Dead Realm.

Who would have thought...that there would be a massive invasion of the Dead Realm today...

Currently, according to the information I have, the Death Zone has exploded from the previous three places to twenty-six.

Among them are underground rock formations.

Especially places that are as deep as the Rock Abyss are now completely inaccessible.

Full of all kinds of monsters..."

The speaker is Tinari from Huachengguo.

Communicate through videophone bugs.

He stayed in Huachengguo for many years.

Mainly to suppress the monsters in the Dead Realm.

Today's explosion has exceeded his expectations.

Accompanied by Tinari's explanation.

Everyone looked at the intelligence map in their hands.

Inside is the currently available information on monsters in the Dead Zone.

[Wither]: The body is like a dry tree, it will passively absorb all the power of living things, and at the same time it will kill all light. It is the most common monster in the dead zone.

[Wanderer]: Assassins in the Dead Realm have no entity... They are ghost-like existences. They are good at hunting. After the Blighted Ones absorb their life, the Wanderer can even parasitize them.

[Death Pterosaur]: A terrifying monster deep in the Dead Realm. It is in the form of a skeletal pterosaur. Its combat power is very terrifying. It has no eyes or nose. It all relies on sound waves to locate its location. Its lethality is very terrifying.

[Ghost Soul Buryer]: The voice is like a woman. Relying on the power of soul charm, he frequently appears in the thick fog. He often uses secret techniques to lurk behind the enemy and assassinate...

[Dead Soul Soul Insect]: An insect the size of a fist, with very weak combat power, but they are gregarious creatures. Once they find someone with a weak soul, they will pounce directly on them and frantically absorb the soul.

[Blight Walker]: A wood attribute monster that is difficult to move, similar to a big tree, but it has plenty of death power in its body. It is afraid of fire attribute attacks, but other attributes are very difficult to break the armor...

This is information Tinari has collected over the years.

There is also information from the Xumi Order.

Look at the monster information.

Su Han shook his head and said: "Those people who study hard are simply ignoring the Death Zone. If more people were photographed and stared at, they would definitely not only have this little information...

The situation in the Dead Zone must be more serious than what the data says, right? "

"Yes, Master Su Han... we can only search for this information!"

"Well, I have asked all the people from the Arcane Throne to go over and seal the venue to prevent the explosion of death. At the same time, we will get there as soon as possible..."

"Thank you, sir!"

After the video hangs up.

Su Han turned to look at Nasida.

News about the Dead Zone.

No one is more proficient than this little lucky grass king.

Feeling Su Han's gaze, Nasida pursed her lips and began to explain the origin of the dead realm.

"Originally, our world was all the sea in the beginning, just like the vast sea of ​​clouds in Liyue, which was once a huge trench! And the Dead Zone is the world right below our Sumeru.

If we compare it with the giant abyss of rock, there is life above the ground.

And below is the realm of death.

King Daci Shu once imposed sanctions, but...our power of life can hardly suppress death, because the power of the dead domain can restrain us! "

Nasida was very helpless.

She has the power of life, but...the power of death is even stronger.

The continent of Teyvat used to have countless countries.

Now only seven remain.

However, not all those countries in the past were destroyed.

The Dead Realm is one of those countries.

860 Wendy also added at this time: "I do know some news about the Dead Zone... It is not a sunken country, but just like the border within Wuwangpo.

A place in another dimension.

Belongs to the place of death.

In fact, everyone also understands that every country has its own place leading to the kingdom of death.

Just like light and shadow.

Where there is light, there is shadow.

Therefore, the existence of the Kingdom of Death is also inevitable, so...you can understand the Death Domain as the natural Kingdom of Death.

rather than the same borders.

Created by the devil..."

"So, let's put it this way... The Death Realm can be understood as the largest death country among the seven kingdoms, right? It has existed for a very long time and contains countless death-type monsters.

This is a power independent of the seven elemental powers.

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