As well as Su Han's various grand actions, Fengdanting is slowly starting to lose its talents. Not long ago, I heard that the daughter of a certain big noble went to Liyue to study.

Originally, the noble man was very angry.

As a result, I recently learned that my daughter has become a powerful fire mage.

Even the meteorite technique, which few people in the Arcane Throne have mastered, can be used easily.

This is undoubtedly more enviable.

Alas, I can only say that... everyone yearns for the country under Su Han's command.


At this moment, Nata is just like Fengdanting.

People are very worried about the appearance of the undead.

There is one underground in Sumeru.

What if Nata had one too?

Only fire elements and thunder elements can cause harm to the undead.

However, ordinary people simply cannot master this power.

This is very worrying.

What if...the undead attack?

Said he was afraid of the sun.

But if the undead only choose to attack at night, how should they respond then?

This creates a problem.


At this moment, all four countries are live broadcasting simultaneously.

I saw only the dark cave.

Dozens of undead knights are attacking frantically.

Their bodies are very light.

Only a quarter of the weight of an ordinary person.

Therefore, the movement speed is very terrifying.

The advantage of the undead is their movement speed. Of course...the armor and weapons on their bodies also bring them powerful attack power.

The team came to stop him.

Easily defeated.

Only the Black Blade Soldiers can stop these guys.

Just when the audience is worried.

A ray of clear sunshine directly drove back the thick fog.

"What an interesting monster... As the deputy leader of Mondstadt, I really have a good time... There are so many monsters for me to fight...

It's quite interesting...

Enter Mondstadt Sun Knight Diluc..."

At this moment, the outside world is at noon.

Diluc's power is doubled.

The power of the flame turned into a blazing phoenix, directly swallowing up dozens of undead knights.

That searing wave of air.

Which armors will melt before you even get close.

"Holy shit... Mr. Diluc is so strong?"

"Didn't you see that the weapons were changed? Mr. Diluc is now a Sun Knight..."

"It's too strong. We couldn't defeat one of them with our combined strength, but he destroyed it with just one sword!"

"Otherwise, why do you think someone else is the deputy captain? You know... Mondstadt has only three deputy captains so far, and each of them is an extremely terrifying existence."

Diluc ignored the discussion behind him.

He directly led the personal guards and began to move deeper.

Until he came to the entrance of the crack.

The undead tribesmen in the camp ran out one after another.

One of the undead clan actually held a staff and accompanied the other party's spellcasting.

Countless skeletons slowly emerged from the thick fog.

This turned out to be a necromancer.

"Hmph... They are just puppets. They can't stop my power at all. Let's all go to hell... Huo Huan·Fiery Flame Slash..."

The power of the flame is compressed on the sword body.

Accompanied by huge sword pressure.

The power of fire exploded.

It just flew out in an instant.

The necromancer was not a vegetarian, and he quickly waved the staff in his hand.

Huge skull shield.

Directly in front of Diluc.

The black mist and flames made a terrifying hissing sound.

However, it was less than a second.

The huge shield shattered directly.

And the enemies in the camp.

All were torn apart.

Destroy the camp with one blow.

These are the elites truly cultivated by Su Han.

This blow can be said to have conquered everyone.

However, Diluc frowned and said: "I didn't expect... there are still enemies... Come out, don't hide anymore, even if your body is assimilated with the mist.

I can also feel your presence..."

"Hehehehe... As expected of a strong man from Mondstadt, he can actually discover my existence..."

A man with blue skin slowly emerged from the thick fog.

He can speak not only Teyvat's voice.

Even knows Diluc's name.

This scene is very amazing.

Diluc frowned and said, "Do you know me?"

"Of course... I am not comparable to those lowly guys. Compared to you living beings who value equality, in our sanctuary we only look at strength.

The winner is king.

The real strong man dominates everything... Let me introduce, I... one of the managers of the Soul Furnace: Haysas! "

A spear that looked like bones appeared in the opponent's hand.

And the undead tribe that had just been burned out.

And turned into a ghost.

Slowly appeared around him.

"I haven't absorbed the power of the living for a long time. I really miss it... I remember the last time was five hundred years ago..."


Haysas disappeared.

When he appeared, he was already behind Diluc.

A wisp of blood.

Blooming slowly in the air.

This speed is faster than teleportation.

"How? This blow...I relied on this power to kill many strong men in Mondstadt City. only knew how to fight monsters at that time.

Didn't notice our presence..."

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