"The speed is pretty good... but that's all. The undead are afraid of the sun, right? Do you know why I'm called the Sun Knight? Because I have the power to summon the sun..."

Diluc directly showed off his charm that never sleeps.

Combat effectiveness increased again.

The entire cave turned into daylight.

And Haisas, who had been arrogant just now, felt an unimaginable sting.

"You bastard, you can actually use the power of the sun... I must kill you, otherwise... you will be my clan's biggest enemy!"

The white cold gun aura.

Comes directly through.

This time Diluc's reaction was very quick.

........ 0

No one even saw how he moved.

The sword energy is compressed to one point.

It hit Haisas's left arm directly.

Along with the weapons and arms, they were taken away directly from the body.

This power.

Really amazing.

Diluc did not give the opponent any chance to breathe.

The blade turns.

Directly launch another attack.

At this time, Haysas was startled and directly used countless black mist to wrap himself, which allowed the ulcerated skin to return to normal.

Otherwise, you will be riddled with holes even before you fight.

"You dare to look down on me? Let me teach you food a lesson, Necromancer Arrow..."

Lost an arm.

Haisas didn't panic at all. Instead, he took out a strange weapon while dodging.

Launched towards Diluc.

A strong smell of death.

For the living, it is the most terrifying poison.

However, Diluc has now released the power of the sun and is not afraid of this attack at all.

Naturally, he dodged it easily.

Unfortunately, the adventurers behind were unlucky.

When the undead arrows flew, they only scratched a little, and their bodies began to fester rapidly.

Until it becomes a withered skeleton.

The terrifying appearance made many people pee in fear.

And Diluc was naturally even more angry.

The sword blade directly hit Haysas's body.

"If you dare to struggle even before death, let's be completely exterminated over there..."

"Ahem... Our undead tribe can be reborn. It's useless for you to kill me... Hahahaha, but the souls of the people I kill will be extinct.

You look back and see that those soul fragments were destroyed by the undead arrows. "

Diluc turned to look.

Souls floated out of the withered bones.

And those souls slowly turned black and fester.

This manager's attack was so vicious.

Diluc's heart trembled, and he said angrily: "You guy... die too..."

The Sword of Rotating Victory explodes with the power of the sun.

Directly burn the opponent's soul.

"No...why can't my soul escape, what have you done...let me go quickly..."

"Haha, under the power of the sun, your soul has no special characteristics..."

Diluc said coldly.

Everyone looked at the slowly burning soul under the camera.

Finally, I felt a breath of evil in my heart.

Chapter 595 Wuwangpo’s soul envoy takes action and successfully sneaks into the world of death

Diluc looked at the extinct undead tribe and walked to the opponent's arm without saying a word.

Because the protection of black mist is lost.

The arm has slowly dissipated.

He looked at the weapon and picked it up.

The weight of the weapon is very light.

There is a cold feeling in the hand.

It doesn't look like anything serious.

He handed the weapon to his subordinate.

He told him: "Go and give it to Mr. Totosai for analysis. There may be some problems with this weapon..."

"Yes, sir..."

Watching his subordinates leave.

Diluc's brows slowly wrinkled as he looked at the huge crack.

In the end, he did not choose to enter, but began to set up a formation nearby.

Basically, everyone in the Zhutian Mission Group has a unique understanding of formations, and he is no exception.

It is too dangerous to guard this place rashly.

Therefore, set up a defensive formation.

Sending someone to monitor from a distance is the safest and most secure way.

It took a good thirty minutes.

An extremely wide-ranging formation was finally formed.

Diluc said to his subordinates: "Leave three people on each side to investigate and monitor twelve hours a day... Any news will be conveyed immediately without any mistakes..."

"Yes, Mr. Captain..."

"Don't worry about someone sneaking in. Once someone from "860" crosses over, it will definitely cause an attack... So, just keep an eye on it for now..."


At this moment, in the Qunyu Pavilion, Totozai looked at the spear in front of him and sighed: "What a delicate weapon... I didn't expect the undead tribe to have such a treasure.

It's really wonderful... Sir, you see... this weapon is very light and not made of metal.

But the bones of a monster.

Branded with strange inscriptions.

Strengthen penetration.

At the same time, there are many undead souls stored in it... If you want to say it... this weapon is the power furnace of the soul. The undead tribe uses the weapon as a magic organ.

He doesn't have the Eye of God, but he can control this weapon to attack. "

His words caught everyone's attention.

There is no eye of God.

But relying on weapons?

What is the principle of this?

Everyone gathered around.

In order to let everyone see more clearly, Totosai directly pressed his hand on the weapon, followed by the force.

A ray of blue light.

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