They communicate briefly.

The only option is to retreat.

And when the soul left, Wendy's wind followed the soul into another world.

As a wind spirit.

His power to create clones is simply not too strong.

A gust of wind that no one noticed.

Even more terrifying than the power of Stark and others.

Follow the soul across the rift.

Wendy saw a horrific scene.

If we say, the Xumi underground is just a gathering of some small tribes.

So, what is shown in front of Wendy.

There are countless soldiers and horses, and... there are millions of undead creatures, and even a powerful army of hundreds of thousands!

The picture is presented in front of everyone.

Tinari looked at what was projected on the wall.

I couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh my God...Is this the preparation for the Death Realm? The previous ones were just trivial things...〃~"

"Once Heng Na Lanna is hit, the terrain here will not only be complex, but also have a large number of rock formations. It will be very difficult to capture it.

Moreover, the creatures in the dead realm.

Can see through cracks.

Invading Sumeru wantonly.

But we can't enter easily...killing two birds with one stone..."

"However, if we find a problem, how about preparing a big gift for them?"

Yae Shenzi said with a smile.

And Lisa asked: "What do you mean?"

"Now that we know they are coming, we will arrange a huge formation to give them a grand ceremony. The world of Teyvat is not that fun...

How about Su Han? There are also movies... Do you want to have a good time..."

"Come on, come on!"

"That's what I thought, Son of God..."

"Then let's start decorating! Su Han... I have a bold idea, what do you think?"


"Instead of destroying these souls, it's better to...hehehehe..."

Looking at the fox with a sinister smile on his face.

Everyone shuddered.

Can you think of this method?

However, don’t tell me...this method is indeed feasible.

Moreover, there are benefits for everyone.

Su Han considered it for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay... I agree, and... I will do this method even if you don't tell me! Let's do it...

As for Sumeru, leave it to Inuyasha and Neru and the others...

Protect Sumeru.

But the most important thing...

We have to deal with this as soon as possible, and...many things are controllable, so we must put enough pressure on them. "

"Well, with Hu Tao and others suppressing it... nothing will happen. At worst, we can let Guo Ba pass..."

"That's right! There are many demon gods here..."

All parties take action.

And Heng Na Lanna is setting up the formation with all his strength.

The four weapons of the Thunder movie are fixed in the four directions.

Su Han's weapon sealed the Tianmen.

Lisa and others were on standby at each formation, while setting up their own small formations.

This formation is called Jue Tian Collapse Thirty-sixth Heaven Formation.

It was an ancient formation that Miao Yue came here to teach after hearing about this.

"Although you don't have thirty-six people, you can still accomplish this with the help of various treasures... What about a mere million soldiers?

At its peak, this formation could even stop the Demon God Chi You. "

There is a word about the other party.

Everyone was also excited.

Started working hard.

A large number of formations are being arranged.

Soon it was dark.

Su Han and others also hid the formation.


At this time, in the dead zone.

In a huge altar.

Countless powerful men from the undead tribe gathered.

"What happened during the day, was it an accident...or was there someone involved? I feel that we need to investigate clearly, and there must be no room for error..."

"We have sent soul stalkers to infiltrate, there will definitely be no problems."

"Our main force is here. Once we invade the opponent's world, we will occupy half of the country in just one night. We will completely open the Death Sanctuary.

Otherwise, if it fails...

We will be unable to move forward... Don't forget, the intelligence shows it.

All the ancient demon gods were destroyed..."

If faced with a huge shadow.

A knight with black flames all over his body sneered: "What are you afraid of... Once the Death Sanctuary unfolds, we will have nothing to fear, and what about mere humans?

Even the devil can't stop the coming of the Holy Realm.

Our mission is to tear apart the divide between the two worlds.

Only a large number of soldiers came.

can reverse this result.

Once the border is completely destroyed by us.

Then, Sumeru will be our world...The tree king once disappeared, today is our biggest opportunity..."

The Scarlet King leaves.

Gave them great confidence.

Soldiers are valuable and quick.

Just capture half of the country on the first day.

Then Sumeru will continue to tear the diaphragm within three days.

Just a few days.

The kingdom of death has come.

It is absolutely impossible for the living to break in. As for the devil?

Humph... There is more than one demon in their Death Sanctuary.

Although they are all sleeping.

However, if faced with the crisis of destruction.

The two holy masters will definitely wake up.

After a while, the scout brought news.

". Mr. Qi, according to the frontline investigation information, there is nothing unusual. It seems that all the Scarlet King's monsters have become extinct...

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