It seems to be caused by lack of strength.

No more origin.

They also have a hard time surviving..."

"Are you sure that's the reason?"

"Yes, sir... Even the plants in the entire desert have begun to wither, and there is no life left. It is definitely not caused by humans, unless the Scarlet King appears. know...that demon god has perished. "

"Yes... the devil is indeed terrifying, it's a pity..."

No surprise to hear.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then these big guys started to continue the discussion.

At this time, a crow flew over from a distance.

"What's wrong? Something went wrong..."

"Hmph...what are you doing over there at the Soul Forge? A sacred object is missing, and...the scene was caused by the furnace weapon."

"This is absolutely slander."

A silver-haired man roared angrily.

Others looked disdainful.

But the man explained: "You don't have to believe me, but... don't you think... the prophet of death is very powerful, right?

Even if he is in a weak state, if he wants to assassinate least he must use a level that is not weaker than the opponent's, should we explain once he is discovered?

This must be caused by surface people. "

"Haha... I don't believe it, surface people? They can come in quietly... Why do we have no intelligence? According to the current investigation.

Those guys are collecting intelligence, but no one has broken into our country.

Don't forget, if the living enter... there will be warnings. "

Faced with the accusations of the strange crow man.

The manager of the Soul Forge said indifferently: "If you haven't done this kind of thing, you just haven't done it... I admit that I long for the holy weapon, but...

I wouldn't be stupid enough to take action now. "

"Okay, okay... In three more days we can break through the boundaries, don't fight over this kind of thing."

Face someone to mediate.

Everyone chose to endure it.

Big things are happening now.

It would be pointless to continue arguing.

It’s still about the overall situation.

Chapter 598 The clarion call for counterattack comes from Su Han’s large army!

Watching the holy objects continue to gather a large amount of energy.

The person who presided over the ceremony said: "I am really looking forward to the day when I go to the world of the living... Then we can enjoy the delicious food..."

"It's coming soon, don't worry..."

"By the way...what about those cracks? What if they are eroded..."

"It's enough to have those servants blocking us, we don't have to worry about that much... As long as we break through, we can directly destroy the kingdom of the living.

Just went through a big war.

No one can resist our power..."

The leader of the digital tribe.

Already prepared for invasion.

Just wait for the day when you break through the boundaries.

As for Su Han, they are naturally wary, but...the power of the Holy Realm is something they cannot resist.

That’s why I didn’t think much about it.


In the camp in the Hengnarana Desert.

Su Han was issuing orders to the phone bug.

"Clean up the souls everywhere, and all those who sense power will join the battle... Deal with all the souls. No matter what kind of soul they are, not a single soul can be left for me."


The information cannot continue to be leaked.

Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously cleanse the soul.

Lisa asked from the side: "Isn't this difficult... After all, the soul doesn't show any signs."

"Then it needs to be cleaned up, otherwise the other party can snoop on the information we release..."

"That's true... However, we are not in a war era, and those guys in the Dead Realm don't dare to be arrogant... Moreover, their base camp is Xumi.

Spreads up to the nearby environment.

At least for the past few hundred years.

I didn't sense their existence from Inazuma..."

Yae Kamiko gnawed on the grilled eggplant and gave an answer.

Beidou next to him nodded and said: "I also think it is impossible to spread to Inazuma... By the way, why not let your foxes do it together? It is night now

Their hunting capabilities are extremely powerful. "

860 "I made it clear during the day. Sky Fox and Earth Fox will take action together... I guarantee there will be no problem!"

Hua Sanli followed.

And in the rain forest of Xumi.

Countless fox figures are moving around.

Some souls hidden in the trees were caught by the fox and eaten directly.

No matter how fast they escape.

It's not even faster than catching a fox.

"Leave no one behind... hunt them all. This is the Lord's order!!!"


The foxes hunted even more crazily.

The sky fox said with a sneer: "All souls are our food..."

Three hours.

Hundreds of souls were all hunted.

Moreover, Tianhu also established a defense line in the forest.

If a soul arrives, it will be triggered directly.

As for Liyue, there are countless monsters hunting for them.

As for Mond's words.

The assassination team led by Rosalia was responsible for the search.

Compare Xumi and Liyue.

This is definitely the least.

Next is Liyue.

Because the earth veins were transformed by Xuanyuan Sword.

So soul scouts are very rare.

The place where there are really many is Sumeru.

However, after this night passed.

A large number of soul scouts were also crushed.

With the rising of dawn.

The official TV station opened again.

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